Different Types (Basic Explanation)

Each type contains classes:

Offense Type: Warrior, Sword Artist, Assassin, Dual Wielder, Fighter, Berserker, Lancer, Samurai

Defense Type: Paladin, Knight, Dark Knight

Distance Type: Archer, Sniper, Ranger

Speed Type: Rogue, Ninja, Thief

Fairy Type: Monk, Priest, Queen, King, Bard, Dancer, Ward, Cleric, Enchanter

Mage Type: Wizard, Mage, Witch, Blood Mage, Druid, Sorcerer, Necromancer, White Mage, Black Mage

Special Skilled Types: Chef, Blacksmith, Tailorer, Shopkeeper, Hat maker, etc.

Different Types Abilities:

Offense Types have stronger attack.

Defense Types have higher defense.

Distance Types don't need to fight offensively, and are less likely to be damaged as much as Offense Types.

Speed Type can make faster hits to an enemy, though their attack may be weaker than Offense Types.

Fairy Types are supporters.

Magic Types deal magic attacks, not normal attacks.

Special Skilled Types are very important. If you need stronget armor, you ask a tailor. If you need HP regeneration, you need a chef.

How Skill Abilities Work:

Skill abilities are some of the most important things in this game. With skill abilities, you need skill points (In the story, I accidental said that you need stat points, but I made a mistake). With skill points, you can level up any sub-class to your main class. For example, As a mage, you have different sub-classes like healer or necromancy. Now you would use your skill points to level up whichever sub-class you would like to make it prominent and part of your main class, as a mage. This will help you to become stronger and stronger.

How Stat Points Work:

Stat Points are also very important. In your stats, you have: HP (Health Points), MP (Magic Points), Strength, Speed, Intelligence, Luck, Criticals, Dexterity, Technique, and Resistance.

HP- This is you over all health points. By distributing your stat points here, you can gain higher HP.

MP- Mostly used for mages.

Strength- Helps improve your over all attack power.

Speed- Helps you attack faster (good for the speed types).

Intelligence- Helps increase your magic attack (good for magic types).

Luck- Increases your chance of hitting the enemies and not missing them.

Critical- Increases your chances of hitting criticals (Criticals increase the damage output).

Dexterity- Mostly used by archers

Technique- Great for special skilled type users. Increases the ability to perform tasks.

Resistance- Helps you resist the different types better (For ex., if you are weak against mages, resistance will help you be able to resist them).