Senseless Pride (1)

Seeing that there's no other way to enter the City hall without getting noticed, Hari decided to go through Front Main door. After being reborn Hari had many things to take care off, which was only possible if he had enough influence, money and strength, so Hari did not want to waste even a single day as time and tide waits for none.

since he was going through the front entrance Hari will definitely attract many eyes. so, Hari decided to cover him face with a face mask and the hood as he entered the city hall. As Hari made his way towards the City hall entrance, many eyes caught notice of him, and started to observe him intently with a sneer as if wait for Hari to make a fool of himself because unless you have any business at the city hall you cannot enter the city hall you will be stopped by the two level 1 big brothers at the main entrance and even if you are allowed to enter the city hall all your electronic items are confiscated for safe keeping by the big brothers at the entrance. otherwise the whole city hall would be filled with reporters, video steamers, paparazzi...etc

Seeing the way Hari was dressed in a Hoodie with his face covered by face mask and hood everyone thought he was a newbie Paparazzi who did not know about the city hall rules.

Hari did not bother with these eyes, he was just worried that the big brothers at the entrance will ask him to remove the face mask, still he walked to the main entrance and a well built middle aged man stopped Hari, before the middle aged man could say anything Hari passed his Wodeyar high school ID card to the middle aged man and said " here for registering "

Seeing the High school ID card and hearing Hair's Purpose the middle aged man nodded and asked Hari to deposit all his electronic belongings at the counter besides the entrance, the middle aged man did not seem to care about the Hari's outfit.

Hari nodded and deposited his smart watch at the entrance and entered the building. Seeing Hari enter the city hall the watchful eyes regretted for being ignorant. Since Hari could enter the City hall with out any problem they knew that Hari should be a student who had come to register. Such a great opportunity to Interview a student who has opened a life star and a potential informate who would have given them all the juicy information of what happened in the city hall later, was lost because of their ignorance.

As Hari entered the city hall he was greeted by many statues of the predecessors who helped build and protect the Mysore Kingdom. at the center of the room was the front desk and some city hall staff. Hari went forward and stated his purpose

" hello, I am here to register myself " said Hari

Seeing Hari the staff looked confused and asked " Are you here by your self where is your representative teacher "

" I am here alone, I did not know that registration process requires a teacher. " said Hari

" NO, it does not. but generally the teachers come with students. " said the staff looking at Hari.

" my teacher does not know that I have already opened my Life star, She is busy criticizing and being narcissistic. " replied Hari thinking about the arrogant and bitchy Xena Arasu.

Traditionally Hari should report his progress first to his homeroom teacher than the homeroom teacher will report it High school principal than the principal will report it to the High school Admin. After receiving the news the Admin will reward the Principal and the Teacher for their achievements and the school will receive some extra funding for the next year. after all these is done Hari would be asked to register at city hall in a specific date so that the High school can make proper arrangements to obtain the maximum publicity. Hari did not have time for all these and the idea of Xena Asura receiving appreciation for his work made Hari vomit. so he decided to go over their head and Register at the city hall.

" are sure it will not be a problem " asked the staff.

" No, I can register for myself. now, if you could just tell me the process of the Registration " said Hari.

" Here take this form and take the elevator to G7 floor our staffs will help you register there. " said the Staff.

" Thank you " said Hari as he took the Form. then he took the elevator to the G7 floor.

The Form asked Hari for his Bio Date stuffs , Like his fathers name, mothers name, Address, High school name, Citizenship etc

Soon the elevator stopped at the G7 floor. As soon as Hari got of the elevator a staff came straight to Hari and said " may I help you sir? "

" I was told that I can register at floor G7" said Hari.

" you heard right sir, Follow me this way I will help you with the registration process. " said the staff as she lead him.

Soon Hari and the staff arrived at a huge auditorium, the auditorium was filled with students, they seemed to be seated in 4 different groups, one could tell that these were the students of the 4 high schools based on there groups and the uniform they were wearing. even though the auditorium was filled with about 300 Teenagers, it was completely quite as the students completely seating in discipline with absolute pin-drop silent.

Nobody in the auditorium seemed to have notice the arrival of the Hari and the staff. Soon the staff and Hari sat at the end row.

" Have you filled the Form " asked the Staff

" not yet, can you lend me a pen " said Hari

" here you go " the staff hand a pen to Hari and said " you choose a really bad day for registration. "

" tell me about it " said Hair as he filled the form.

" whats going on ? what are they waiting for? " asked Hari , even though Hari had the memory of his alternate life Hari knew nothing about the Registration process as he did not get registered in his alternate life.

" the invigilator from the Federation has not arrived yet. so, they can do nothing but wait " said the Staff.

" I did not bring a photo with me , what should I do " asked Hari, showing the blank photo block on the form to the Staff.

" No problem, I will take care of that ... smile at the drone" said the Staff, as a small drone came in front of Hari out of nowhere and suddenly flashed.

While Hari was still in daze from the sudden flash the staff said " that will be 1000 federal credits. "

" what ? " exclaimed Hari, a bit loud as his resonated in the Auditorium and all the head's in the auditorium turned towards him.

Looking that Gazes of the students Hari did not even bother to say sorry or any apologetic gesture. As Once a wise old man said " if you're sorry for little things then you're sorry for everything later you're sorry for something totally not related to you". so its not in Hari's nature to say sorry even if he is wrong, unless you are one of his loved one's.

" You are kidding me right, 1000 Federal credits for a Pic ? " said Hari

" not for the pic but the registration fee. " said the staff.

" why does Federation need registration fee, isn't it the the registration there Rule, It should be free right. " said Hari

" even if its Federations own rule, for every registration there in involves different expense like the Invigilator provider by the Federation, I heard he is a 3rd level Magic Knight. Do you thing 3rd level knight are cheap, expect for his Majesty king of Mysore there is no other 3rd level Magic knight in Mysore kindom. now tell me if 1000 credits is expensive " said the staff

" not expensive at all " sighed Hari, since he knew how rare and hard it is to see a 3rd level magic knight in ones life time. expect for his majesty King of Mysore and few shown in Internet, Hari has never seen a 3rd Level being in his past or present life.

" Ok then, your application for registration has been submitted. please wait the registration process will began as soon as the Invigilator arrives and I be your assigned chaperon since your teacher did not accompany you. " said the staff

" ok, no problem. when will the Invigilator arrive. " asked Hari

" the Invigilator has been notified, as for when will the Invigilator arrive it depends upon him. according to usual he should arrive by afternoon " said the staff.

" if he arrive in the afternoon then till it is my turn to register it will become evening, that's not good, I have appointment in the afternoon. " said Hari.

" you choose a really wrong day for registration, according to the city hall rules the Wodeyar High school has superiority during registration, meaning during registration process the Wodeyar High school students can skip the line and apply for registration. if it was any other day you would be able to use this rule but today in front of 4 mountains you can only....." staff wasn't able to say the last word, she felt bad for Hari.

" It doesn't matter " said Hari, since Hari really did fear or care about the 4 high schools because in front of the Federation their backstage four guilds are nothing but week pry's which federation doesn't even bother to hunt.

But the Staff misunderstood the meaning of Hari's words, she thought Hari agreed with her words.

Hari entered the city hall by 8: 40 am, it was already 1 pm but the invigilator did not show any sign of arriving yet, At 12 pm Hari had lunch at the city hall cafeteria along with the Staff, her name is Cameron Jay, 35 years old, single. she is a down to earth good but little timid girl and works as a executive PR in the city hall, with pseudo Magic knight strength.

It was near 1:35 Pm, when the Invigilator came on the stage of the auditorium through the back stage entrance, the four teacher representatives of the four High school greeted the Invigilator.the invigilator was a very slander person with long hairs it was hard for Hari to determining weather the invigilator was he or she. after another 5 mins, the Invigilator addressed the crowd of students Including Hari.

" Afternoon Everyone, Before the Registration test starts let me tell you, no foul play and mal practice will escape my eyes if you want to leave you can leave now but once I caught you it means death for you and your school representative teacher for wasting my time and trying to insult my reputation. Here's your chance you guys can leave now" said The Invigilator without bother to introduce himself or herself.

Since Hari knew nothing about Registration, Hari was confused when the Invigilator said foul play and mal practice . how can one cheat in opening a life star, Hari really did not understand.

Seeing Hari's confused look Cameron explained " you may not know this but there are many magic Items and potion which can disguise a persons strength, every year there are some fools who try this but all this for naught as this low level items can't escape the eyes of a 3rd level knight."

while Cameron was explaining, the invigilator said "which school will come first"

Hearing this the teacher representing 4 high school nodded to each other and then Sir Jack Williams said " we will send one student from a school then next from another school like vice in rotation, your highness. "

Hearing Sir Jack Williams, The invigilator turned to the rest of the three and asked " you all agree to this "

" yes, your Highness " said the remaining three in unison.

Just as The Invigilator was about to call a student, a loud voice Sounded from the back of the auditorium, in protest to the earlier agreement.

" NO ! I don't agree "

Cameron who was standing besides Hari felt as if her soul has left her body.