Fasten your seatbelt and get ready for the thrill of a lifetime because you're in for a roller coaster of a ride. Sit back, keeps all body parts inside the ride, and enjoy the ride. Remember don't be afraid to lift up your arms, shout at the top of your lungs and also no electronics are allowed out on this roller coaster of a ride. Just imagine corkscrews, jerks, stair climbing, straight shot shooting downhill, upside down, and backwards roller coaster. But before you get on make sure you eat and drink about 2 hours ahead of time, then for the next 2 hours before riding the roller coaster of a ride you drink plenty of water and only water, and then go to the restroom right before you go on it then that way you won't pee your pants.
Let's get started with the ride and thrill of a lifetime. Now this roller coaster of a ride is an amazing and thrillful ride of a lifetime because this a roller coaster of a ride that is your life it's not actually a theme park ride. Life is like a roller coaster; it has its ups and downs, but it's your choice to scream or enjoy the ride. You start out slowly going up the childhood massive hill, then you wake up one day and you're in high school as freshmen at the peak of the childhood hill. Then you go downhill as you're freshmen in high school and starting the corkscrew of raging hormones, relationships, even more pure pressure, graduation appearing fast, and what you're going to do after high school.
You're through the corkscrew of high school and now you are going to be either starting college or working until you can be able to pay for college. You are on a sideways curve and you realize that you don't fully know what you want to do in college or with your life. Don't stress out over this stage of your life, you can do it just keep your head held high. Take a deep breath count to five and let it out slowly.
Now you're on a smooth sail, you've figured out what you're going to major in and throughout college. But, wait a jerk has appeared and that jerk is for you developing a romantic relationship with someone special that you have turned out to fall head over heels for. But don't worry too much because you can juggle your time as soon as you figure out how to do school work, classes, work, friends, and the love of your life. It can be nerve wrecking at first but once you set a schedule your back to your smooth sailing road. Now you are on that straight path for a little bit.
Now imagine a downward spiral corkscrew that has all of a suddenly appeared. It has appeared because you have been dumped, or your grandma or grandpa has passed away, and you are homeless with no job. You wake up every single morning saying, "I can try my best and I know I can do the impossible," with a smile on your face and you even say it at night before you go to bed. Everything has either a positive or negative effect on your life and it is a matter of if you can handle your life roller coaster.