The Proposal

On April 2nd in mid-afternoon Matt Myers decided for his 2 1⁄2 year anniversary with the most wonderful woman ever LeAnn Porter that he is going to purpose to her. So he asked his sister Amy for some advice to purpose to LeAnn. Amy told him give me a day and during that day she asked her boyfriend Christopher Saxon, her friend Jacklyn Saxon, and her boyfriend Kyle Hall to help with a great amazing way for her brother to propose to LeAnn. All of them decide to make her find Matt by using envelopes and note cards that had hints on it to where Matt was at ready to purpose. The four of them would help out and give her a card and there would be six cards exactly throughout their house and the sixth one Matt would be holding and will give it to her and then he will get on one knee and asked LeAnn to marry him.

On April 3rd LeAnn's Cousin Kyle went to her boss on her day off and told him what the five of them are planning for LeAnn on April 6th for her. "Sir, we would appreciate it if you can come up with some extra work that will keep late for at least an hour or two until Friday so that we can plan it all out?

Sir, can you also on Friday let her leave at 5:15pm so that she can to the house at six o'clock and we can have an hour of what we're planning," Kyle asked LeAnn's boss. He agreed to it thankfully so now the five of them can plan out everything and get it ready for her on the sixth. So the next day LeAnn said she has to work late until Friday for a couple of hours so she told us not to wait and eat. That night and the night after that LeAnn worked late and we planned out everything starting with the clues to find Matt. We decided for the cards to say this:

1st Card: Go upstairs and put on the prettiest dress you have and take a shower so you can smell all pretty no app smells.

2nd Card: Amy is to give her; it says go to kitchen, light two candles, and then find Chris.

3rd Card: Chris is to give her, tells her to go into the living room, put into the DVD player this DVD, and then find Jacklyn. On the DVD are Matt and LeAnn's photos and their song.

4th Card: Jacklyn is to give to her, it tells her to the door of the basement, and find Kyle.

5th Card: Kyle gives her, it says for her to let Kyle blindfold her, and takes her down stairs to the

basement. In the basement all sixth of them are down there and Matt has about twenty to forty candles lite. Matt instructs Amy to untie the blind fold.

6th Card: Matt hands LeAnn, it was blank, and then he gets on one knee and gets out her favorite

engagement ring that a day before Amy, Jacklyn, and LeAnn looked at. "LeAnn Grace Porter will you marry me Matthew Alan Myers and live happily ever after?" Kyle said to her as he felt like he was going to pass out from being so nervous. LeAnn, blushed and then said as calm as possible but very excited and surprised, "Yes, Matthew Alan Myers I will be your wife" and the she throw her arms around him and kissed him.Amy and Jacklyn looked at each other, then back at their boyfriends, then over at Matt and LeAnn, and then went up to the balcony at their house and sat up a romantic dinner for the newly engaged couple. But as they were setting up they were talking about how it would be awesome for their boyfriends to purpose to them in such a fun way but they both doubted they would ever get engaged since they have both been dating their men longer than LeAnn has dated Matt before he purposed. They didn't know that their boyfriends were standing around the corner from the kitchen and the balcony and they both heard  every word that Amy and Jacklyn said. Since there house has three garages and is only connect by the second floor. Since they have an apartment like place over each garage and then a walkway that separates the main part of the house from each couples separate living areas. They had it custom made just for the three couples and if they decide to have children.