Practice time!

I woke up and did my morning routine.

My grandmother wasn't home, as usual. There was breakfast. I felt so lazy, so I ate slowly.

I looked at my phone, it was almost 9:00. Shit! I was late.

I hurried out of the house. I ran as fast as I could. I stopped a t some distance, where the school gate can be seen. It was still open. I ran hard and entered the gate, before closing. I took in a deep breath from inside and ran again.

I just ran, not looking anywhere. Suddenly, I crashed into someone. I fell down. That guy did, too. I sat up and saw the guy's book had fallen down. I picked them up and looked up to see, who it was. It was that broad shoulder guy. His name was Jin. I somehow remembered.

"Sorry. My bad." I said and gave him a hand. And handed his books.

"Maybe, see you later." I said and ran to my class.

I stopped near the class and took deep breathes in.

"Y/n, why are you late?" The teacher asked.

"Sorry, teacher. Next time I'll be on time." I said, breathing heavily.

"Okay. You can go sit now." She said.

I went to my seat. When I sat down, Suddenly, I realised. The girl who was sitting next to me, was sitting behind me. Then who was sitting with me? I thought and turned to see who it was.

GOD, WHYYYYY? I shouted in my mind. It was Jimin. Why does he need to sit here? I asked myself.

Then the teacher called me and said,"y/n-ahh. I've made Jimin sit next to you cause, I thought you could help him in academics. As you score well, you can help him." She said and turned front.

"What?" I said, softly.

He heard me and gave me a death glare.

I couldn't concentrate on the class as I was busy thinking about today's practice. I was so excited to start my first day.

It was lunch break. This was the only period I like. Me and Lisa had lunch at class cause I said that I was too tired to walk all the way up.

I finished my lunch and kept it inside. I heard someone coming inside the class.

It was those 7 boys. It struck me then, that I bumped into a person in that group. I saw him and I approached him. They were shocked to see me approaching Jin.

"Hi, Jin" I said.

"H-h-hi!" He said stammering.

"Anyways, I wanted to apologise you for bumping into you earlier. I couldn't apologise to you, properly, before. I'm sorry." I said, with a smile.

"It's ok." He said.

Then I left and sat next to Lisa and started chatting.


Jin's POV

We went to Jimin's class as there were, only two or three people inside.

When I entered, I saw y/n approaching me. I got scared at first, for why she is coming. Is it because, I bumped into her in the morning? I asked myself.

"Hi Jin" she said.

I didn't know what to do. I stammered and said,"H-h-hi."

"Anyways, I wanted to apologise to you for bumping into you earlier. I couldn't apologise to you, properly, before. I'm sorry." She said.

Whoa. That's all. It wasn't my mistake. She apologised to me. "It's okay." I said. And she left.

She is really kind. But, she was so different yesterday.

I looked at the others, they were in shock too. I whispered to them secretly, for her not to hear. The members told,"she's really kind." Except one. "Yah. You all think like that. But she's not!" Jimin said.

"Jimin, if you have grudges on her, it's between you and her. Not us." Namjoon said. We all nodded in agreement.

He got angry and banged the table and left the room.



Me and Lisa were talking. I saw the boys whispering something to each other. But I didn't care.

After sometime, I heard a bang on the table and saw Jimin leave. I giggled looking at him leave.

*time skip

**bell rings

At last, the bell rang. I didn't pay much attention to the class and saved up my energy for dancing.

Me and Lisa walked to the room and waited for the teacher to come. We both listened to some music, until then.

The boys first came and then the girls. The teacher came after 10 mins.

I was so ready to start.

"Okay, y/n and Lisa. You can come and start your practice from today. Y/n, you'll be in the cheerleader group." He said, pointing towards those girls.

"Sir, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked.

He came to a side and asked,"what is it?"

"Sir. I know hip-hop and freestyle. I don't know cheerleading and I've never done that before. So can you put me amongst the boys. Please?" I asked him.

"I know, you do hip-hop and freestyle. But we keep girls in one and boys in one. And it'll look odd." He said.

"Sir. It doesn't matter if there is girl in a guys group. Sir, all that matters is the dance. Please sir, I really want to be in it. It doesn't matter to me." I said.

"You too, have a point. I'll ask the head and let you know in a minute." He said and left to see the head immediately.

I waited there. The others looked in confusion.

The teacher came in 5 mins. He hurriedly came and said,"y/n, I've talked to the head. He said that yeah you can. But be careful. When it comes to dance, these guys are not normal."

"Sir, I'm even more dangerous than them. I can take care." I said, laughing.

We came to them and the sir said,"guys, y/n will be in your team for practice. Cause she is good in hip-hop as well as freestyle. So she will not be in the girls team. But she will be taken in count to decide the girl head." He said, and pointed me to join the group.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Hi!" They all said except the one, who I never expected anything from him.

We had two coaches to train us. For the girls one and for us one.

Jimin kept giving me death glares, but I didn't give importance to all that.

"Okay. Everyone look here carefully. You have to cross your legs, sit and get up, with a turn, you understand? Like this." He said, showing us a sample.

"Now you guys try." He said.

I wanted to try last. So I asked them to go first. Before me was Jimin.

Namjoon did, but fell. The others, too, tried their best. But they either fell or lost their grip.

It was Jimin's turn. He almost did it, but lost his balance while getting back up.

It was my turn, now. I took a deep breath in and did it. I crossed my legs, sat and got up with a turn.

"Wow,y/n!" The teacher said.

He looked surprised and shocked. So did the other members. Their mouths hung open, seeing me do it at the first try.

"Jinjja! I'm really impressed." The teacher said.

"I'm a faster learner." I said.

"Okay. Others practice now. I'll go and check on the girls." He said and left.

"Waaah. Jinjja daebak-ahhh, y/n." Namjoon said.

"How long have you been practicing dance?" Hoseok asked.

"I did nothing great. And I learned when I was 8 years." I said.

They got shocked.

"Who taught you?" Taehyung asked.

I said,"no one. I learnt myself. My father used to correct me."

They again locked at me in shock and said,"you know what. Even Jimin learnt dance on his own at the same age." Namjoon said.

"Ohhhh!" I said, not looking at him.

Then they started practicing.

The teacher came and taught some more moves to us. I learned so quick, while others took some time.

Finally it ended. I felt really exhausted.

"Girl! You're really cool. I mean, you picked up those moves so easily." Lisa said, while I was packing.

"Come one. Stop praising me. You also did better than me." I said.

"You're in a different group and I'm in different. So don't compare mine with yours." She said. I laughed at it.

We left the school and walked to a coffee shop. We bought what we wanted and left. But we were stopped by a person at the cafe.

It was Jungkook. He came to me and said,"hey. You danced really well."

"Thanks. You too." I said, with a smile.

"So is there anything important?" I asked.

"Aniyo! We were impressed by your dance. So as you are a part of our group now.... you can join us at practice in the studio with us. You can bring your friend also." He said mentioning Lisa.

"I'll think about it." I said and left with Lisa.

"What was that?" She asked.

"What?" I asked her casually.

"He offered you to dance in their studio with them. But you said you'll think about it. I mean like, every girl wanted to dance with them. They refuse. But they wanted you to. But why didn't you accept?"

"See Lisa. I haven't even known them properly. I need some time to know each of them. Then only I can accept. What if something wrong happens at the studio. They'll blame me. I don't want to get into trouble. And plus, I can't trust them easily." I said.

She stared at me, awkwardly. "You too have a point. But..." I cut her and said,"No buts. I'll see and then decide." I said and walked off in my direction. Her house was the other way.

I went home, did my usual routine and sat down on my bed. I thought about the thing jungkook told me about.

"Maybe, if I get to know them, I can join them. Let's see tomorrow." I said and slept.

To be continued.......