Today - rest day

I looked at him. He too fell asleep. Thank god he didn't notice me.

"Students! We've reached our destination." The teacher shouted.

It wasn't heard properly at the back but I heard it as I went to the front to put some waste.

The guys were still asleep. Should I wake them? How do I? Forget it. Just wake 'em.

I tapped on Jungkook as he was near me.

"Jungkook? Jungkook?" I tapped on him.

"Y/n?" He was half asleep and looked confused at me waking him up.

"We've reached the place so..." I paused, waiting for a reply.

"Oh okay. That's all?" It looked like he expected more.

"Yeah." I said.

"Okay. I'll wake the others if it's a difficult for you." He said.

"Actually, its fine. I'll wake them. You can just keep the bags ready." I said. Why did I say that? I could have accepted his offer. Shit! What have I done?

No other choice, but wake them up. One by one, I woke them up. It was tough to wake Yoongi. But somehow I managed.

I sprinkled water on Lisa's face. She got up suddenly and was pissed at me.

The last was Jimin. He was kinda sitting next to me. So I had to wake him up, in order to get my things.

"Jimin? Jimin?" I called out, shaking his shoulder.

"What is it?" He asked sleeping.

"We've reached."

He opened his eyes and sat up. He looked at me and was surprised.

"Y/n. Did you change your mind? Are guys back again?" He asked.

"Nope!" I said.

He smiled. I don't know what is behind that smile.

"If you could move, I can take my things." I said a bit stern.

"Yeah sure." He said and got up.

I took my things and I got down. The others got down after me.

"The rooms here are quiet big enough. So you'll share the rooms with your group that you've formed." The teacher shouted like hell.

"WHAT?" I shouted like shit.

"Y/n, any problem?" The teacher asked.

"No sir. I'm sorry. I just heard something from Jimin and shouted by mistake." I said.

First, trip partner. Then, dance partner and now share a room with the others.

And yes, I used his name. Cause he was my partner and the only one near me so I had to.

I wish I was invisible. No one would have noticed me.

"Okay. You guys can now go ahead." The teacher said.

As I took my luggage, Jimin said,"Did you really use my name?" He asked.

This is what I hated. I expected this.

"I used it to protect myself. And you were the only one near me." I said and walked fast.

I just tried to stay away from him for now. I walked with Lisa. Her partner was Jungkook. He was with her but he was about leave when he saw me talking with her.

"Jungkook, its okay. You can stay here." I said.

"It's okay. I'll go with Jimin." He said.

"Please. I know what I did was wrong. At least just stay with here for me." I said feel by a bit sad.

"Okay." He said. He kinda looked happy. If I can't talk with him, at least I could make them happy with my actions.

We entered the hotel and got our keys and went to our rooms. The room looked damn luxurious. It could literally fit more than 100 people. It was damn big.

Everyone were looking around at the room. I smiled silently, looking at everyone's reaction.

I dragged the chair, getting everyone back to the reality. I sat down and giggled.

"So who goes in which room?" I asked.

"You can decide." Namjoon said.

"I'm fine with your choices. I don't want to disturb your plans that you've prepared. And I'll be fine through this trip." I said.

They kinda looked surprised.

"Okay. We'll decide." Jungkook said.

They discussed and then came up with a decision.

"There are 4 rooms in total. So in a room there'll be 3 people. So I, Taehyung and Hoseok will share a room. Lisa and Namjoon will share a room. Jimin and yoongi. And y/n and Jungkook will share a room. Is it fine with everyone?" Jin asked.

As he asked, I knew it was me. "Yeah." I said. At least I was relieved that it was Jungkook. And not Jimin.

We headed to our room and got our things packed out.

"Jungkook....." I paused. I thought what I was supposed to say.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said and continued unpacking.

It was silent for a long time and it felt really awkward.

"Y/n, can I know why did you ask me stay before?" He asked. He felt bad asking it. I could say it by his expression.

Before he could say anything, I interrupted,"it's okay. You do have the rights to know. I didn't wanna bring you guys down, when you look at me. So at least, if you were near me, you'd feel happy. And I also noticed you smile, when I asked you to stay."

"Actually there's something I need to talk to you about. But not now." I said.

"Whenever you want." He said.


Jungkook's POV

I feel asleep during the trip. Suddenly, y/n came and woke me up. Was it a dream? No. It was true. She said we've reached the destination. I thought she had something else to say.

I told I'll wake the others. But she offered to wake them up. I smiled and got all the backpacks together and got down.

As we got down, the teacher yelled we have to stay with our groups. We walked and y/n came over to Lisa.

After the problem, I thought she would still think about it. But she changed.

I tried to give her space. But to my surprise, she asked me to stay. I felt something would happen. Did Jimin hyung do something to change her? It must have been him.

We went into the room and it was so big and wonderful.

We had to decide who would stay with whom.

We discussed it would be temporary. As we wanted y/n with us back, for now I'll stay with her then Jimin hyung would stay with her.

We went to our rooms and unpacked our stuffs.

In the middle, y/n called me. I was expecting her to say something, but nothing.

It was dead silent for a while. I broke the silence. I asked her why she wanted me to stay.

She said that she didn't wanna bring us down. She didn't want us to feel bad about it.

She wants to talk with us, but trying to avoid us. She still wants us. She isn't showing it.

She said she wanted to talk to me about something.

I replied whenever she was ready. I didn't wanna rush things up.

She unpacked and left. I still had things to unpack.

*after half an hour

I went out to see if y/n was fine. Cause she still didn't come.

I went to the reception and saw y/n with Jimin. I smiled looking them together. I didn't wanna trouble them so I left.

On my way back, there was quote that caught my eyes. The whole corridor was filled with quotes.


The time I read it, I could only think of y/n. She doesn't talk to us, but helped Jin hyung that day. I really missed those days with her.

I went back and laid on the couch and fell asleep.



I regret leaving them now. They're so nice and I'm the one whose been the rudest. Even the Jimin changed.

Or is it fake? Stop thinking and finish unpacking.

I unpacked and went to look around the hotel.

As I was walking, the quotes on the walls caught my eye. I went over and read one by one.

One quote specially caught my eye.



It was really touching. I thought about the quote and walked.

I went out and took a deep breath in and sighed.

Suddenly, I got pulled back. It was Jimin.

"I need to talk to you." He said and pulled me and took me to a storage room.

We came in and he locked the door. I got freaked out that he might do something.

"I won't do anything to you." He said.

I felt a bit relieved.

"I know everything." He said.


I couldn't understand about what he knew.

"About..." he paused.

"About what?" I asked.

I got shocked by what he said. Did he really? How could he? Is it a dream?

To be continued......