Another Day episode 3

When I came to woke I saw Shaun leaning on the wall looking out the window across from me. I look aswell and see a man hold a gun facing me I sit there stund and kind of scared remember the night mate from last night. Shaun took out his gun with a quick draw and fired at the man.. Shaun kills the man when I saw the bullet fly past me I look at the man who was lying on the ground. Shaun walks up to me and hugs me keeping me from getting scared.. But I still dont care for him so I acted like he calmed me down.. after words I walked out side and walked towards school. I walked towards the hall and was stopped by a boy named kyle. he gave me a look as if I done something wrong he gave me a mean name he called a bitch and said you shouldn't be here then he walked away. I threw a rock at him and walked away he looked back and ran towards me he pinned me to the ground. When I hit the ground my head started bleeding and I passed Kyle grabbed my arms and dragged me to the nurses office he picked me up and set me on the bed and there was a box made of glass with a orb in side they wait.. I wake up 4 hours later and look at the nurse .. "uhh how did I get here's?" I look at kyle oh its u he looks at me "pshh is that how you treat some one who helped you" Kyle said with a bit of anger. I look at him and give him a little screen rock. "here I'm sorry". kyle takes the rock and sticks it in his pocket and walks to class he holds it out and clenches his fist with the rock in his hands and holds it to his chest. The bell rings for the next day and I look for Kyle so I can threaten him but never did I walk home and look for shaun he's not here I walk to bed and go to sleep.....