I skipped a hole day wondering how my next dream is .. but in reality I'm trying not to sleep but
I fall asleep I look around seeing people with old type of clothing and see homeless man in a robe. I step inside a home watching people die from a disease this house it's made of stone and wood. looking to my right I see a woman holding a rat. I think shes Chinese I walk away holding a candle. Were did this come from? I look around everyone's gone then I see a man sick and with a huge bump on his hip he falls and dies to sickness. I walk towards him and he disappears then I'm in the same world and I see people wearing masks I look confused and ask some random person why there wearing a mask they back off right away. Man: "hey 6 feet kid did you forget the law". I look over at a mirror and see I'm wearing a mask as well but its shaped weird like a bird's beek I walk home in hope to see what is happening and then shaun is on the ground and coughing. Shaun: "Ash dont come near me you'll get infected". the medics show up and pick up shaun.. They take him then I start coughing I fall in pain my throat it feels like I'm choking.. my vision goes blurry.. I die... Wake up....