15. Assumptions

The next day came and I was able to go to school I walked part way to school with because we were trying to keep the relationship as secret as possible so nobody would find out and spread it out.
I'm never off school so once I arrived everyone was asking why I was off school i replied with " I had muscle pain" and I walked away but then one of Brent's friends came up to me and said "it has something to do with him doesn't it" to which i quicky replied "no" and walked off so he would not get suspicious or say anything.
I was in first period and all I could hear was him laughing because people were saying my story was a wierd and he was looking at me smirking and I sent him a text saying you better stop and he stopped.
The lesson ended and i angrily walked out of the class and he knew he couldn't chase me because he knew people would know straight away that we were dating so he watched me angrily walk away and waited and then followed in my direction and he caught up to me and said he was sorry for laughing but i declined his apology and he knew he would have to do better if he wanted to make it up to me.