17. Forgive but not forget

Once I left his house he sent me a bunch of
messages saying he was sorry and he was sorry and he didn't mean to do anything bad to me and to be honest I kinda felt sad for him but I realised he needed to be taught a lesson because although what he did was not extremely bad it was bad enough.
I stayed mad at Brent until he texted me to come outside he said he needed me to come somewhere with him so I followed him he seriously took me to a Ferris wheel got tickets and said he was sorry right at the top then I knew it was time to forgive him and so I did but I did not forget. He was forgiven and we grabbed food and went back to his house and when the next day came and it was time to leave for school he waited for me and we walked all the way to school we weren't holding hands and he was not to close to me and then out of nowhere the two girls who are Jessica's friend came up to me and started being really nice so I straight up cut them off and walked away because it was too sketchy like they wanted something but was to come may have been good or may have been bad.