Visiting Mother (2)

The car soon came to a stop in front of the cemetery.

As Ivy looked out of the window, she saw that the once bright sun was once again covered by clouds. One of the bodyguards came to open the door for her as both Ivy and James got down.

James looked around curiously at where they were and asked his mother as she gently took his hand and started walking inside,

"Mama, why are we here?''

''Baby we are here to meet mama's mama, that is your grandma.''

James looked excited for a moment at the likelihood of meeting his grandmother but then looked downhearted when he realized the place where they were at.

''Is grandma not in this world anymore?''

He asked his mother dejectedly.

Ivy also let a small sigh as she answered him

''Yes baby, sadly grandma is not in this world anymore but I promise you that she would have been very happy to meet you.''

Ivy told him in order to get his mood lifted up. Her baby had always been a sensitive child ever since he was young and that incident had further intensified this nature of his.

''Really mum?"

''Yes baby because you are my sunshine and do you wanna know a secret.''

''Yes please, I wanna know a secret!"

''Your eyes are the same as grandma."

''What! does that mean that me and you and grandma have the same eyes?"

"Yes baby."

Ivy told him as she looked into his green eyes which were innocent and pure, free from all the filthy stuff in the world. And she prayed that they stay like this for a long time to come.

Between their conversation, the two of them reached the grave.

The epitaph on the grave just read 'Ava Crompton' and the date of her birth and death, nothing more nothing less.

No words of love or remembrance were written there.

No 'Dear Wife'

No 'Dear Daughter'


Ivy noticed that the grave was clean which only meant that someone visited here recently and she would be damned if she even thought for a single second that someone from her family visited her mother.

She was no to fool to think that her family had changed their ways, not when she had recently received intel that her dear father had remarried and was trying way too hard to have a male successor that Ivy was pretty sure that he would soon end up in a hospital due to exhaustion.

And as for her maternal grandparents, they had left the country soon after Ivy left, from what she had heard, the two of them were in England.

She was pretty sure that the two of them would start blaming themselves when they finally learn the truth of their daughter's death.

About how they took a murderer in their home with open arms and ignored their own daughter who did everything in her power to keep them safe, even giving up her own life at the very end.

Ivy bend down on her knees to reach the same height as James as she whispered slowly enough for her and James to hear,

"I am back mom, I am back with my son, your grandson.''

James on hearing himself being introduced also joined,

''Hello grandma, I am James, it is very nice to meet you and from now I will visit you every time I get so that you won't be alone anymore."

Hearing her son talk Ivy felt her eyes filling with tears as she replied in a soft,

"Eh that is right, we will visit you."

Edward one of the bodyguard who had been following Ivy for a long time saw the tears in his boss's eyes and knew that she would like to talk to her mother alone, so he took James with him,

"Come with me young master James let us leave master alone to talk with her mother alright.''

James nodded his head like a bobblehead doll and followed Edward towards the lake which was built nearby to see some swans.

Ivy waited for a moment for her emotions to stable and go make sure that James was out of there before she sat down with her legs crossed

"Well, I am back mum... I fulfilled my promise... I finally did it. The ones who were responsible for your death are currently wishing and waiting for their deaths as well."

She still remembered the day clearly, the day her mother died and she was whisked away to the army headquarters to meet the higher-ups who knew about her mother's mission.