The Past (3)

He saw her back as she left the room with stubbornness apparent in her stride.

He saw her leaving with their son as he felt like a piece of his heart also followed her.

Turning around his head, he saw his family members talk shit about her and his son.


He thought to himself,

'Does it matter if James is not my son?'

He asked himself.

'I have been with him since the moment he was born, I am the only father he recognizes!'

Looking at his mother, he started blaming himself.

'I should have stopped her from hurting James.'

The truth was, the moment he saw his mother dropping James to the ground, he involuntarily stood up but was stopped by Millie, now looking back at her, he felt anger building up in his chest.

'Maybe I should have done a DNA test.'

Thinking about this, he decided to do one just to be sure and excused himself as he went upstairs to his study.

Reaching inside, he locked the door before he picked up his phone and called his secretary Rose.

"I want to know where Ivy and James are, both of them have just left my house. Find them an bring them to the Lenox Hill Hospital.''

He commanded her before putting down the phone.

Sitting in his chair his eyes roamed around the room as the time which he spent here with James passed before his eyes.

Be it the door through which he first crawled in, the carpet at which he helped him take his first steps and then regularly practiced with him, the sofa where he first called him 'dada' in his soft and cute baby like voice.

Just then he was disturbed when his phone rang with an incoming call from his secretary, picking up the call he was not even able to speak when he heard the anxious voice of his secretary.

"Boss miss Ivy and young master James were just involved in a car accident! The ambulance just arrived there and is taking them to Mount Sinai Hospital.''

In that single sentence, Damon felt as if he had lost his heart, composing himself, he told his secretary to meet him there.

Rushing out of the room, he bolted down the stairs, not even pausing to tell his family about what happened.

Outside the gate, he saw his driver who was waiting in the car with the engine running, jumping in, he tremblingly told him where to go.

The entire twenty-minute journey was a haze to him, he kept on praying to each and every god he could remember.

When the driver told him that they had arrived, he pushed open the car door as he rushed inside to the reception where he asked worriedly,

"The victims from the car crash accident today. Where are they?''

Just before the nurse could answer him, Damon saw Ivy's best friend Mia zooming past him as she hurriedly made her way inside.

And if by magic, he knew that she was here for Ivy too, so he left the receptionist alone as he followed her inside.

By following her, he came outside the VIP section of the hospital and was surprised to see soldiers standing outside.

Thinking that Mia was not here for Ivy, he began to leave when he suddenly stopped in his tracks as he heard Mia's scared voice.

"Ivy is here right, I am her friend, my name was listed as her emergency contact, and so the hospital contacted me."

The soldier standing there seemed to recognize Mia as he asked her,

"Are you the civilian asset who was brought in for hacking but the chief was the one who got you out of it?"

Mia shook her loudly as she confirmed his words,

"Yes! yes... that's me, Mia Wright. How is Ivy? How is James?''

Feeling as if he was suffering from auditory hallucinations, Damon approached Mia as he asked her.

"What civilian asset? What Chief? How is all this related to Ivy?"

The soldiers who were standing there grew alert as one of them questioned him,

"How are you and how are you related to our Chief?''

Damon who was still confused felt as if he was missing an important part of the puzzle as he asked,

"Who is this Chief of yours.''

Mia who was at first shocked at seeing Damon there, overcame it as she answered the soldier's question,

"He is Ivy's husband and James father.''

The soldiers who heard her, gave Damon a look over as they clarified with Mia.

"Chief Ivy's husband... the Casanova?''