The Past (6)

Damon was suddenly jolted up from his nightmare.

Panting hard, he sat up on the bed and leaned his body backwards towards the board to catch up his breath.


He cursed out loud as he felt his sweat getting cold from the memory which he wished to be a nightmare, and then prepared to take a bath in the bathroom attached to the room to remove the turmoil he felt.

Stepping inside, he stood below the shower as he turned on the cold water in a bid to drive away the uneasiness he felt.

As the cold water trickled into his bones, he closed his eyes as he once again thought back to the memory, which caused him infinite pain.


Damon was still standing outside in the corridor waiting with Mia and the other soldiers when his mobile rang and he picked up the call recognizing it to be her assistants.

Bring the phone to his ear, he asked her what happened to which she replied.

"Sir there was a call from the hospital about the results you wanted, they are done so should I send someone to collect them?"

"No need I will get them personally.''

He told her as he hanged up the phone and made his way towards the laboratory section.

Fifteen minutes later, Damon was standing with a piece of envelope which held his entire future.

Taking a deep breath, Damon tore it open and quickly skimmed his eyes to the end of the paper while ignoring all the scientific stuff.

And lo behold, right there at the right-hand corner he saw the sentence which breathed oxygen back into his lungs,

'Upon the basis of numerous tests conducted it has been proven that James Wood is the biological son of Damon Wood.'

Clutching the paper tightly in his hands,

Damon made his way towards the corridor as he secretly planned to throw this paper in the face of the soldier who stopped him yesterday before going to see his own son's face.

Just as he reached the corridor, he felt a sweet smell coming from all directions and before he could make sense of it, he felt his vision going blank as he muttered Ivy's and James names with the last bit of strength left in him.





Damon woke up with a start only to find himself propped against the wall in the same corridor where he stood out an entire night and day and waited, to hear news about his son and his wife.

Looking around with his eyes, he suddenly winced in pain when he noticed that his head was hurting severely as if someone had hammered it with a hammer.

He looked to left and noticed that Mia was also in the same condition as him, only that she was still unconscious.

Suddenly he stood up as he remembered the circumstances which led to his current situation.

He also saw that many of the other soldiers were also coming around and were starting to get up as they checked up on their other colleges but without waiting for them, he rushed to the door nearest to him.

He rushed towards Ivy's room and pushed the door open only to be stumped at what he saw.

The bed at which she was supposed to be resting was empty.

Running in, he checked everywhere, hoping that he was wrong, that she was still in the room somewhere.

He anxiously checked every possible place in a hurry, the bathroom, under the bed, in the closet, everywhere but was still unable to find her.

By this time, the rest of the soldiers had also come around and they too were searching for her anxiously.

While Damon was still at a lost as to what to do, Mia came behind him and reminded her sacredly,

"Mr. Wood, what about James?"

Upon suddenly remembering his son, Damon made a dash towards his room, which was just two doors away from Ivy's room.

Stumbling inside, he once again came to the same scene which greeted him earlier, an empty bed with no sign of life in the room.

Restlessly, he returned back and found one of the soldiers speaking anxiously on the phone.

"Army General sir, there has been a situation here at the hospital where Chief Crompton was..... yes sir.....yes.''

Without waiting for him, Damon once again walked into the room, this time he noticed something which he looked over the last time at the bedside table in his panic.

Walking towards it, Damon saw a folder and picked it up.

The second he picked up the paper, something fell from its inside. When bending down to pick it up, Damon was shocked at the article in his hands.

Looking at the 15-carat red diamond ring which he gave to Ivy on the day of their marriage,

Damon suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart as he looked at the folder with his hands shaking like crazy.

And as always he was right, even when he wished to be wrong more than anything in this world.

The folder in hands contained a document which had a big, bold heading,

'Divorce Agreement'

And sure enough, the end of the page was signed with a single name,

'Ivy Brown'

Damon would have been an idiot if he could not understand what Ivy meant by leaving her ring and these papers behind.

But this time Damon would not let her go, he simply couldn't let her go,

For she was his entire life.

Without her and his son, his heart would freeze over, and no amount of warmth would be able to thaw it if it were not from the two of them.