Truth (5)

Damon sighed as he looked at his younger brother,

"I was an idiot.."

"Well, amen to that brother."

Roy said in the backdrop,

"Will you at least tell us why you did that?"

An enraged Leo asked,

"What happened to you so that you would not even listen to me? You yelled at me before cutting the line! What the hell was wrong with you... I thought that you genuinely loved her that is why I was happy for Ivy...happy that she could get another shot at happiness after everything that happens to her and everything that she had faced.

Jack, who was sipping his drink, suddenly chocked at it as he and the others stared at Damon in shock,

"You... you loved her?"

A likewise startled Roy asked,


Oliver exclaimed,

Looking at his brother in confusion, Damon asked him,

"How.... how did you know?"

"That is not important, tell me first what happened to you? Did you hit your head or something like that?"

Looking at his feet, Damon took a long deep breath as he told them,

"How could I love the girl you loved? I knew that you liked Ivy, and that is why I never tried to chase after her.... even after getting married, I tried to keep a distance from her but, then I thought that you were so heartbroken with her being with Harry that you left and that angered me, and I was unable to tell her my feelings.''

Everyone in the room stood still as they saw the scene, which seemed to come out of a romance novel.

'The big brother loved the younger brothers girl.'

While Leo started to turn red from anger,

"Are you a fucking idiot! What the hell is wrong with you?

Have I ever told you that I like Ivy?

Hell, she is not even my preferred gender.

I am fucking gay, you idiot, was your love was so weak that you could not even confront me with your feelings?

What is this some soap opera you are a noble male lead who could give up his love?

No right? If you love her, then you are supposed to fight for her."

Leo erupted like a volcano as he continued to rain profanities at his own brother.

Meanwhile, the rest of them sat still as they continued to figure out what was happening.

At last, it was Oliver who stood up and made both of them shut up before turning towards Damon and told him,

"First, you tell us your side and why do you think your younger brother loved Ivy."

Exclaiming for the nth time, Damon started to tell them his side of the story.

''I first met Ivy when Leo introduced her to me.... when both of them were in kindergarten. At first, I noticed her because of her bubbly nature, and then with time, I saw her transform into a fine lady,

I don't know exactly when, but before I knew it, my eyes were always looking for her everywhere.

Then one day, when I mustered up the courage to go and ask her out and tell her my feelings, I heard Leo talking to himself in his room about how he would tell Ivy about his feelings.

At that time, I thought that he also liked her, so I took a step back.

Yes, it was hard, but one was my little brother, who I have always looked after since the day he was born and the other was my first and only love, the people I most wanted to be happy and if their happiness was together then so be it.

After that, I blocked all information about Ivy around me, the next time I heard about her was when I got to know that she had lost her mother.

That day I remember rushing out of my office to go look for her and, finally I did found her, in the arms of my little brother as she cried her heart out, that was when I knew that she had no need of me in her life.

That day I left without looking back, promising myself to never look for her again.

This is also one of the reasons I had no idea about the abrupt change in her personality as I had forced myself to not look for her anymore.

After that, I devoted myself to work to try to forget about her. Every time I thought about her, I felt that I was cheating on my little brother, so like an idiot, I found other women so that I could truly forget about her.

Then, one day, I was suddenly called back home and was told that I would be marrying her the next day. I was shocked at that.

I got my men to look into her past and learnt about her relationship with Harry, at that time, I thought that the reason why Leo left was that he was heartbroken about Ivy.

I...I tried to hate her...hate her so much that even my love could not overpower that emotion, but I failed...I failed to hate her and could not bring myself to tell her my feelings.''