The Party (3)

The party continued in full swing as people chatted to each other

but in the middle of the party stood Damon with a faraway look in his eyes as he looked blankly at his own glass of champagne.

He was busy sorting out the mess his life currently was,

When the massive doors to the ballroom suddenly opened with a bang, and a group of twelve armed bodyguards entered the room.

All of them surrounded the entire room as they took their positions.

After witnessing such a scene, the entire room went silent as the chatter slowly died away as they all looked and tried to guess who was the cause of the sudden disruption.

Mr. Almund and Lucas Wood also stopped as they looked at the door and walked towards Damon and the rest.

"What is the meaning of this?"

A furious Lucas Wood asked,

"Who the hell are you all of you? Under whose orders are you doing this?"

He asked while looking at one of the bodyguards who stood nearest to the door and was the last to enter.

Meanwhile, the blonde-haired guard looked blankly at him without even moving.

Seeing this, he grew even angrier as he once again shouted,

"Answer me..."

The sentence was stopped midway as the sound of heels striking against the ground were heard.

Click clack click clack.

The sound kept on increasing louder and louder with each passing second as everyone in the hall waited anxiously to see the person who sounded like the grim reaper.

And then she entered in the hall in style as she swayed her way in.

Her walk was like a shot of whiskey, neat and strong and full of purpose.

Dressed in an off-shoulder Ombre prom dresses with a backless tulle and sweetheart neckline, she was a sight to behold.

Behind her, a little boy followed dressed in a powder blue suit for kids, complete with the bowtie and jacket.

As soon as Damon laid his eyes on her, his mind went blank,

He tried his best not to grasp at her beauty, as he noticed how beautiful and confident she looked, unlike the last time he saw her covered in bandages with a pale complexion.

He continued looking at her as if everything around him seemed to vanish.

Right now, she looked exactly like the girl he fell in love with, a girl brimming with life and confidence.

Oliver, Roy, Jack and all those who remembered Ivy were shocked to see her standing there.

While Ivy seemed not to pay them any attention as she continued to walk step by step, stopping, just in front of Almund who was coincidently standing in front of Damon and the others.

Giving him sweet smile, she took a bouquet of flowers from one of the bodyguard and handed it to him.

Seeing the bouquet of lilies, Almund's appearance changed as he started trembling.

Dropping to his knees, he was about to speak when Ivy threatened him to shut up and not to talk.

Looking at her son, who stood by her side and was busy looking around the hall, she took his hand in hers and gave it a little shake before asking him.

"Baby, would you like to go and see the place?"

James, who was busy looking around, started to nod quickly as he clung to her arm and told her.

"Yes, mum, please can I go?"

"Of course, yes."

Ivy told him with a smile.

Looking at her bodyguards, she said.

"Edward will go with you."

Upon hearing his name being called, the blonde guy who was ignoring Lucas Wood earlier came forward as he lifted up James and told him.

"Madam is right young master, I shall accompany you. First, let's go and check the desert section.''

Upon hearing the word desert, James eyes shone brightly as he excitedly jumped up and down. After waving his mother bye, he along with Edward left.

Seeing them go, the warmth in Ivy's eyes also vanished as she once again looked at Almund with disinterest.

Clicking his tongue, she was about to speak but was beaten by Almund to it.

"Madam please forgive me, I....I was an idiot who didn't know what was right and what was wrong...please madam please let me go just this once...."

Ivy looked at him with a mocking smile on her face before turning around to look at other guests who were now staring at her, trying to guess who she was.

When she suddenly roared.

"I will give all of you one minute to leave this room. If you still do not leave, then do not blame me for what might happen to you."

Hearing her warning and looking at the sorry state of Almund, who they thought to be a big shot, many of them left.

But there were still many who decided to stay behind, including Damon, Roy, Jack, Oliver and their respective families.