The Party (5)

Looking at his estranged daughter, Gilbert Brown felt that she more and more looked like her mother and not like him at all pushing him to think whether she was his daughter at all,

'Could it be possible that she cheated and lied to me? Is she not my daughter at all could? Was mother right?'

Just as he was about to sink deep into his thoughts he heard people once again questioning her about why she was there.

Forcing the thoughts and all the what-ifs out of his head, he looked at Ivy as anger swelled inside him.

''Why are you here? Can't you stay dead or where you have been the past 5 years? Huh.. answer me, Ivy Brown!"

He yelled while looking at her. Just as he was about to continue, another voice was heard in the hall.

"I know who you are."

Shelia said as she walked forward and stood beside Mrs Wood,

"You are Damon's ex, right? Why are you here?''

She asked, and before Ivy could answer, she continued in a mocking tone,

''Don't tell me that you are here to reconcile with Damon because you CAN'T...He is going to marry me and also don't tell us a sob story that you just want your pitiful and fatherless child to meet his father or stay with his father because I won't allow it....''

Her father, Liam Clark could only feel a headache coming as he looked at his daughter and tried to diffuse the situation for he knew about the true power of the Belmont's and he also knew that how easy it would be for Ivy who was calling herself the Belmont head to destroy her daughter's career and possibly his company too.

Just as he was about to move forward and drag his stupid daughter back, he heard a laugh looking ahead, he saw that one of the bodyguards who was standing next to Ivy laughed as he pointed at Shelia and asked her,

''What are you even talking about? Our boss...the head of the centuries-old Belmont family is here to do what? Snatch your fiancé? Don't make me laugh haha... If our boss wanted, then she could have anyone she wants, and you don't even know how long the line is of people who want to be with our boss, even if it is just for a single night.''

Ivy simply pinched her eyebrows as she heard her bodyguard talk smack before telling him to stop.

"Stop it, Eric... this is not what we are here for."

She told him while eyeing Almund, who was still kneeling on the floor.

Then what are you here for if not to hang on to Damon... Do you want your son to enter the wood family and inherit it?..."

This time it was Mrs Wood who questioned her.

For the first time since she arrived here, Ivy turned her head to look at Damon, and he could feel his heart speed up as nervousness build up inside him, and Damon could only watch as her lips curved up as she told everyone,

"I am not in the habit of taking back things once I let them go..."