Still not a chapter

Sorry guys I forgot that I had not added this part in the last piece I uploaded.

I read all your comments and reviews (yes, even though I may not reply to them).

I wanted to talk to some of you guys complaining that the character of Damon is weak and while I agree with that, I do not see what the problem is with being weak?

We all are not born strong (except superman) but we gradually evolve with time into being a stronger person or are forced into being one due to various different circumstances.

I surely am as a matter of fact weak.

I suffer from social anxiety, just put me in a room full of strangers and I will hyperventilate the hell out of myself and this is also where I feel that Damon is similar to me in this regard.

While he may not have social anxiety, he also has some flaws which makes me relate to him a lot more than I do to other characters.

But I will drop a spoiler that he will grow as a character, as a matter of fact, he will have the most character growth out of all the characters, so I suggest that you all not give up reading this for I promise that you all will grow to love Damon too.

See you all soon in the next chapter.

PS: The reason why I don't reply to most of the comments is because of my social anxiety, yes even though we may not meet each other face to face I still feel it. Sometimes I just sit in front of my laptop and read a single comment and then try to reply to it, just to end up typing and backspacing each time not knowing what to say and how to say.

You may not believe me but this is the fifth time I am writing this note, I just ended up deleting all the previous one's.

But that does not mean I do not appreciate your comments and reviews, I really do. They tell me what I am doing well and what I should improve on.

So please comments as much as you guys want and review me too.

Till next time.

Much love,
