Not in the Mood to Work

Wood corporation.

Damon anxiously paced his office as his assistant stood near the door and stared at the stack of unfinished documents that his boss had to review and sign.

It's been three days since his boss had attended the function and had returned like a demon the next day as he called, again and again, his PI who had suddenly disappeared, and when that did not work, he spent hundreds of dollars to get a new PI and assigned him the task of finding his wife and child who were in the city somewhere.

Damon paused as he checked his phone for the hundredth time since the morning for a message from his new PI whom he had sent to find information about where Ivy was staying with their son.

What surprised him the most was the fact that it had been three days since he last saw Ivy at the function, and no matter how many people he hires, no one can find any information about where she is staying.

He had learned from Oliver that she was staying at the Royal Hotel, but when he checked he found out that there was no one residing there by her name or description.

But, sadly at this point in time, he had no idea that the Royal Hotel was a front used by the Belmont family for their various business that may not be considered entirely legal in some countries and that Ivy had strictly instructed her people not to divulge any information regarding her stay.

Seeing his boss who seemed like he was about to throw his phone and break it again Kevin spoke from behind.

''Boss, are you sure that madam still hasn't left the city?'' 'Again'.

The last word was spoken in his mind only, something that he couldn't afford for his boss to hear lest he finds a reason to fire him.

He thought upon remembering the numerous people his boss had fired in the last three days over the simplest mistakes.

And this is also the reason that everyone has already been informed not to give their boss any bad news by their colleagues who were not lucky enough to read the message in the office chat group.

''She is still here..."

Damon said as he remembered the copy of the parental custody agreement that was delivered to his house the next morning after the function, requesting sole physical custody of their son and that is when he remembered that the problem regarding James custody was never solved after he received the divorce papers from Ivy for she had left the country with their child back then.

'Well, it doesn't matter.'

He thought to himself as he walked back to his table and opened the bottom-most drawer to see the divorce papers he received five years ago, stored properly inside as they grew yellow due to time.

Unsigned as they should be.

Just as he was busy thinking about what other method he should use to find Ivy, his personal phone rang.

Picking it up, he saw that Roy was calling it.

Taking a deep breath, he answered the call, and before the other party had the chance to say 'hi', he coldly stated.

"Don't call me for some of your new nonsense. I am extremely busy right now...''

"Bro...bro...I know you are busy, but you have to come here! Like right now! And please put a huge emphasis on 'right' and 'now'.

Roy said.

''What happened?"

Damon asked as he heard some shouting from the other side.

"What happened? Well, let's see.... your dear friend Jack broke a couple of laws as he paid a dark web hacker millions of dollars to track his sweetheart and is now going after her!

Oh, and did I not mention the fact that his sweetheart is in the military? The freaking military!

So, if you don't want to meet him with a glass in between the two of you in the near future, then come here right now!"

He yelled and then abruptly hung up.

Looking at his phone, he took a sigh as he picked up his coat and made his way to the door, turning to face his assistant as he told him.

''I am leaving....take care of the stuff here.''

He added as an afterthought when his gaze fell on the papers placed on his table as he closed the door and left.

Kevin just looked at the closed doors and the pile of documents as he felt tears coming to his eyes.

''How the hell am I supposed to deal with the stuff! All these papers are urgent and need your signature.''

He complained to the empty room, for he had no guts to complain to his boss on his face and lose a sweet paying job, but the stress was really going to kill him.