The Nether Update

After a long day of mining, Steve observed that his portal is... glitching. It was rapidly changing color. Purple, red, blue, brown, gray and purple again. The whole thing repeated endlessly. Steve decided it is not safe to go in the Nether for now.

The next morning, Steve was farming. He noticed that the wheat sounded a bit off. At least, the portal is back to normal. Well, it looks normal. Steve keeps hearing sounds he never heard before. The Voice surprised Steve.

"Ooh, I think I finally installed the update!". "Let's go explore new features". Steve wondered what an "update" was. Steve was rather scared of what other demonic beings are in the Nether now.

The exit location of the portal looked... beautiful. Near him, there were large red mushrooms with light in them. In the distance, a land of souls and death. Below him, lava and basalt. Above him, an inverted version of the mushrooms.

He looked to the right and saw a giant pig beast charging towards him. "Oh dear! RUN!". Steve ran towards the portal and got inside it. *Portal whooshing intensifies*. The beast almost hit Steve, but he was safely teleported back to the overworld. He looked back at the portal and saw that the pig beast had also come through!

Steve locked himself in his house with the beast outside. Steve slept, hoping it would wander off.

The next morning, the beast was not at the door anymore. It looked like it was half dead now. Bits of it's flesh was green and rotten. "Good, it's zombified". The voice is very informed about this complete dimensional upgrade. It was as if there was another universe that this voice came from.

"I'm gonna need more diamonds to get the new tools and armor!". Steve thought to himself as new information has been discovered. Steve was satisfied with the diamonds he has and the armor and tools he has. The voice seems to want more of them.