Immortality and Death

The cold ground made Suwan slowly wake up from his drowsiness, and before he opened his eyes, he smelled a pungent odor, as if there were countless unpleasant smells mixed together, he almost directly threw up. He opened his eyes violently. 'What the hell is going on'?

He was in a dark and small space and there were several people with different skin tones, standing or just sitting around, with disheveled beards and shabby clothes, looking like refugees at first glance. Just as he was about to pick himself up, he suddenly felt a stabbing headache. Holding his head, 'it really hurts', he thought.

The tear-like feeling made him inexplicably caused him to remember, and at the same time made him understand what happened.

He crossed over into the Marvel world during World War II and became a captive of Hydra, a detached science regiment of the Nazi's. However, as the saying goes, good luck and misfortune go hand in hand, and he was captured as soon as he crossed. It may be unlucky to have it all end at any time, but it is also good chance! He had a cheat! Of course, this is not really a golden finger, but he has acquired the ability of being an immortal.

When it came to his immortality though, it wasn't simply living forever. For example, his version of immortality unlike Wolverine, who had a super strong self-healing ability, did not allow him a fast recovery from injury's. Instead Suwan would simply die, but he would then be revived immediately after death. This made Suwan think of another guy in the Marvel world.

Mr. Immortal.

The ability is exactly the same, he can not die, even after the destruction of the multiverse he could live well. However, every resurrection for Mr. Immortal is similar to an initialization, except for immortality. But there was a big difference between himself and Mr. Immortal. For those who kill him he had a certain chance of gaining the ability of the other party!

Although Suwan didn't know how this ability came about, and it wasn't systematic, he just knew he had this ability.

The headache gradually faded. Suwan looked at the people in the cell, one by one, 'five bigger build sets and three thick, that ones face looks like a dish'. He began contemplating, he didn't know how long he had been out and he was still uncertain about the exact timeline and place he ended up in. So he began looking for someone and hoped his luck would be good!

His eyes gradually adapted to to the low amount of light and began to look at these captives. Roughly, there were at least one or two hundred people in cells. After looking for a long time, Suwan's eyes suddenly became bright.

'Sure enough, here!'

Who was Suwan looking for?

Bucky Barnes.

Captain America's close friend, and later the Winter Soldier.

If the Winter Soldier was here, then should Steve Rogers have been injected with serum and become Captain America? He should still be at the stage of acting for raising war bonds and punching Hitler. It shouldn't take long for him to come rescue his little friend. He saved the captives by himself, and started walking the road as the worlds first superhero.

So, as long as he waited for Captain America to come here he would be rescued?

Taking a look at his clothes, smelling the stinky smell in the air, Suwan shook his head. He didn't want to stay any longer in this place.

"What are you doing? Boy, just stay there."

Seeing Suwan get up and lean on the cage, a passing said with a sneer. 'want to escape? There have been countless who have tried already', the guard looked on in contempt.

Suwan bit his lips and ignored him. This cage is very sturdy. It is very difficult to break. Even if it could be broken, there are countless Hydra soldiers in the base. It would be difficult to escape. However, none of these difficulties seem to be a problem for Suwan.

Thinking of this, Suwan began to yell and scream loudly. He called for his mother at first, then his wife, daughter, aunt, uncle, cousins, and cursed the guards as loud as he could.

This situation is fairly normal, after all, who didn't let out a few words to show the despair at their situation? It's just that he started out too suddenly, but it surprised the other 'inmates' to become quite, and show expressions of shock. Some of this language was too harsh. It seems that he hasn't repeated the same string of insults for a long time, right? The inmates couldn't listen anymore, let alone the Hydra guards, and finally someone came over and scolded him with a gloomy look.

"Shut up for me, are you trying to die?"

Suwan grinned: "You're right, I'm looking for death. If you have the ability to kill me, then kill me!"

"F*** you," then he held up a middle finger.

Suwan's arrogance completely annoyed the guards, and the cell opened with a click, and one of the guards held guns to his head. "You f***ing say it again."

"Just say, F*** squid, F*** squid your hole family!"

With a very dauntless spirit, Suwan straightened up while yelling and pointed his finger at his heart. He said very arrogantly: "If you have the ability, you will shoot me. And if you do, throw my body outside to feed the wolfs, do you dare? You don't dare, you are a idiot! Since you don't dare, then you can stick that gun-! "

He is going crazy!

The other POW's watching Su's arrogant provocative guards, they were stunned. Why was he so behaved before, what changed? 'No, I have to stop him,' they thought. The guard's hands are pinched white over the grip of their MP-40's. would they really shoot? Thinking of this, the inmates wanted to put a foot in to defuse the situation, but it's too late!

With a bang, the guard fired directly.

The bullet pierced the heart, and Suwan fell slowly to the ground.

"If I get a choice, I will feed this guys heart to the wolfs. Damn, it hurts ..." Before losing consciousness, Suwan screamed at the guard.


The guard snorted and glanced at the lifeless Suwan. "There you go. I'll be feeding you to the wolves. You wont even have a whole corpse left, shit."

After finishing speaking, the guards directly lifted Suwan like a puppet with out its strings. Ignoring the onlooking prisoners who had not responded besides in their own small circles, and dragged the body out of the base.

"What's wrong? He's dead, just throw him over there."

"No, I want to put him far enough so the wolves can feed on him!"

"Well, what's wrong with this guy?"

leaving the other guard standing at a small fence door, the guard who shot Suwan continued walking without a word, he went straight out of the base into the woods.

There are often wolf traffic in the area. he estimated that the body will be eaten clean by tomorrow morning.

Throwing Suwan on the ground, the guard turned around and returned to the base.

After the guard's figure disappeared, Suwan, who's appearance looked like he had already taken his last breath, sat up abruptly. "Damn it, that hurts!"