The One Bullet is for You!

The truck stopped slowly, and the sound of footsteps came closer. they then heard pieces of the guard and driver talking. It seemed that the guards were performing their due diligence checking the paperwork. After stopping for about one or two minutes, the vehicle slowly started its engine again and entered the base. This particular truck was carrying soldiers. After stopping, the soldiers successively dismounted off the back end. When no one was there, Steve and Suwan lowered themselves to the ground and rolled out from opposite sides.

The two came to the back of the car with a tacit understanding. As soon as Steve was about to speak, he saw Suwan wave his hand: "Your name is Steve Rogers, otherwise known as Captain America. My name is Suwan, our purpose is the same, to save the people being held here. "

"How do you know?!" Steve was surprised.

"I also know that you are also here to save Bucky. Come with me if you want to save everyone. I know where they are being held!" Before he finished speaking, Suwan began creeping away.

Looking back at Steve's surprise and speechlessness, Suwan felt very happy. Just maybe, it 's not to bad to pretend to be a prophet?

Thinking about it on the way, Suwan's action didn't stop, and like a cat jumped away from the west wall to dive into the base. He thought that he pulled off the maneuver very gracefully, but looking back, Steve was next to him more relaxed, ordinary people are not the same as super soldiers!

The two acted swiftly and sneaked into the base without anyone spotting them.

"Crap!" After coming in, Suwan couldn't help but whispered.

why you ask?

He didn't know where the cells were located.

When he went out, he was in a state of waiting for resurrection, and naturally did not know the route. And when he came in the first time it was when the previous owner of his body was still here, at that time he hadn't crossed over yet. Looking at Steve's look, he couldn't drop the ball at this time and injure his prophet image. After thinking about it, Suwan pointed in a direction, then at Steve indicating for which way he was suppose to go, fallowing with himself, gesturing in the opposite direction.

"The soldiers patrol have two paths."

"Okay, but which side?" Steve nodded, subconsciously asking which side were the cells located, but Suwan had already taken the lead to leave.

This made Steve have a depressed expression, and he had no choice but to turn his head and begin moving in the other direction.

"There are only two roads and therefor only two directions. I must have a 50/50 chance to be able to just run into the prison section. I'm really clever!" Suwan laughed, and suddenly he heard footsteps in front of him. I heard someone gruffly talking under his breath and approaching.

"The sound is so familiar! This is not the guy who shot me." Suwan smiled, guessing that the footsteps were about to reach him, he jumped out abruptly.


The soldier was startled, especially when he discovered that it was man who he had just shot.

"You, aren't you dead? Why ... ghost, ghost!"

"Shh, don't call out, I'm just thanking you for helping me out back there. Then, this one bullet is for you!" Suwan pulled out his gun with a smile. With a bang, the bullet hit the soldier's chest, the soldier's expression of pain slowly faded as he fell to the ground.

"Nima, this gun is too loud, why didn't I incorporate a muffler. But forget it, this will definitely be found anyway." Suwan put the gun away, then bent over and picked up the soldier's gun . "An energy gun? Developed by using the Tesseract, this is a serious find!"

Suwan smiled, and went out with the gun swinging.

Soon screams and gunfire were naturally spotted by other guards, and soon ran towards the noises.

'Aim and pull the trigger.' With a bang, a huge beam of energy blasted out, and the guard running disintegrated to the ground.


With the energy gun, plus his gun specialization, Suwan had the feeling of playing Cross Fire.

The sound of gunfire was bursting, and every time he pulled the trigger, he would kill an enemy, and even Suwan was doing a half decent job of making progress throughout the facility. He deliberately fired while two soldiers were in a line, and the two heads disappeared in one shot.

"What's going on? It looks like things are getting messing up outside. Is someone here to help us?"

"That's impossible. Unless it's a big army, they're unlikely to succeed."

"If it is really a large army, the movement outside would be much greater than it is now."

The inmates in the cell heard voices rioting, but they did not believe they could be saved.


The door was suddenly opened.

"I need cannon fodder! Who wants to come?" Suwan carried his gun on his hip and asked with a smile.


Silent, deadly silence.

It took at least two or three seconds before the bursts of cheering and incredible sounds came.

"Aren't you dead? Why ..." a big guy with a funny mustache asked in amazement.

"What's your name?" Suwan asked.

"Dum Dugan."

"Alright cannon fodder, let's do it!" Suwan interrupted him.

Dugan nodded subconsciously, and immediately saw Suwan raising his gun, and with a *bang* broke the lock of the cell directly.

"There are guns on the ground. After we get a tank, we can use it to leave here. In addition, where is Bucky? Where is Bucky?" Suwan shouted.

"He was taken away." A man walked over and said. "My name is James, thank you for saving us ..."

"No need for that nonsense now, "thank you's" can wait till we get out and can be shared later. Now, everyone move, on the double, with me!" Captain America would definitely go and save Bucky, and Suwan was too lazy to disturb other people's close reunions, with another rallying cry he and the other prisoners rushed out with the few guns they had.

"rush out!"

"rush out!"

The people behind shouted with excitement, and the momentum followed thunderous success.