I'm Afraid You Can't Kill Me!

"You seem to know my organization well?" Dotty asked in confusion.

SuWan pouted: "You answer my question first."

"What if I refuse to answer?"

"Then I can only verify it myself, believe me, I have ways to do this!" SuWan's eyes looked at Dotty's body unscrupulously.

Dotty smiled and said, "Really? I'm afraid you're not capable of that."

"You want me to try?" SuWan squatted down and stretched out her hand directly.

"Hay, wait!"

Just as it was about to happen, Dotty spoke. Unfortunately, SuWan did not stop, and still pinched her.

(Translator Note: it doesn't specify what he is touching so I will leave it to your imaginations. ;P)


"Either answer the question or I will continue." said SuWan.

"I ... I haven't graduated yet. This task is my final assessment. Once I succeed, I will have fully graduated, then I will receive training in this area, and go through the sterilization procedure at the same time. Only after passing this training will I be officially accepted. Then given other tasks by the organization!" Dotty said angrily.

"Why? Shouldn't this kind of training start early? What if they lose their precious troops to such situations as this one?" SuWan asked with interest.

"What do you know! Not everyone can graduate smoothly, and succeed like I said. If one fails, they will be sent to the heads of states to perform undercover tasks." Dotty said in a deep voice.

"The resources are really not wasted at all!"

SuWan chewed his lips and squeezed a few more times before he got up.

The water was boiling.

Refilling the tub with water, SuWan looked at Dottie, who was still lying there, took off the rest of his cloths cleanly, and then soaked in the bathtub.

"I've said so much already, shouldn't you tell me who you are?" Dotty asked in a deep voice.

"Oh... you can call me Mr. Immortal." SuWan said squinting with one eye at her.

"Mr. Immortal?" Dotty muttered the name softly, feeling that the effect of the anesthetic had gradually passed, and she stood up suddenly, then taking out her gun from seemingly nowhere, and aimed at SuWan: "Mr. Immortal, now I will ask you my questions. "

SuWan glanced at her and rolled his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Dotty frowned.

"Mr. Immortal doesn't want to talk to you," rolling his eyes then looking at her.


"Are you playing with me?" Dotty said deeply.

"I'm not interested in chatting right now, either you shoot, or... you can consider helping me get something to eat. However, if you shoot, you will be right back where we started." SuWan closed his eyes, and said indifferently. "If you want the mission to fail and become a tool to be sent to all kinds of men who don't care about your abilities, then shoot."

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Dotty gritted his teeth.

"Trust me, I'm afraid if you won't kill me!" SuWan laughed mysteriously. "Go and get me something to eat. If things work out well, maybe I can help you complete your mission. If it doesn't fall inline with my own plans then, I won't ruin your task."

Dotty stared at SuWan for a long time, and finally lowered her gun again.

She found that SuWan was really not afraid of death, but she... was put into a corner by him because of this!

He took a bath comfortably and ate something prepared by Dotty. Of course, before eating it, Su Wan was very gentleman like and let her taste it first. Looking at her depressed appearance, SuWan had had enough and wiped her mouth. "I plan to find someone here. His name is Shaw. Have you heard of him?"

"Shaw?" Dotty hesitated. "What are you looking for him to do?"

"That's my business. Anyway, I need to reach him."

"My mission is also related to him!" Dotty groaned for a moment and said, "This man is not a Nazi officer, but has made some sort of cooperation agreement with the Nazis. He has a deep background. My mission is to investigate his background in detail!"

"That's a coincidence. Since our tasks are consistent, you have a leg up now. Take a night off and I will take you to complete your task tomorrow!" SuWan laughed.

"What are you going to do?" Dotty has been here for a while, but has never had a chance to reach Shaw.

"You'll know tomorrow, I promise you can be approved to follow Shaw's side for a long time!" SuWan said mysteriously, then got up and went to the bedroom to rest.

"Wait, that's my room, you can't..."

"Either come in and sleep together, or think of something else yourself." SuWan waved his hand back to her, and then went straight in.

"Asshole, I won't let you go!"

Looking at the closed door, Dotty cursed angrily.

His body was clean, full of wine, and rapped in bedding. The bedding was still filled with the fragrance of Dotty's body. This night, SuWan slept very comfortable and very deeply. As soon as he fell asleep into the morning, SuWan got up and saw Dotty greeted him while she was making breakfast, but Dotty had obviously learned some of SuWans's capabilities yesterday.

She didn't want to talk to him and threw her eyes away from him.

Brushing his teeth, washing, and dressing neatly, SuWan looked at Dotty, who was already sitting there eating, and she seemed to have only put out one set of dishware.

"It's in the pot, get it yourself!" Dotty said coldly.

"No, I won't eat anymore. You can continue to eat more." SuWan looked at Dotty and said with a smile.

Dotty frowned, the way he said that it sounded like... something felt wrong about it. But she let it go. "How are you going to approach Shaw and get me to stay close with him."

"Well, you'll know in a while, believe me!" SuWan remained secretive. Although Dotty was skeptical, she hadn't made progress in such a long time. Now she can only try SuWan's method.