Not a Chapter

Alright, so where to begin... three nights ago I went to my bookmarked page that had "Marvel: The Immortal's" Raw chapters for free for anyone to reed, to start translating a portion of the next chapter. You know do it in bits to make it easier and all that. That is where I have been copying the chapters over from after I put it through google translate. This site is important because unlike the other sights that already have the MTL translations out their, they skip every 5th chapter and more later down the line leaving huge plot gaps and confuse the hell out of me when I first started reading this novel for myself.

Anyway back to the Raw site, I clicked my bookmark and it gave me an error then redirected me to the sites home page. So I thought to myself, 'well maybe something is just wrong with the site and is under some sort of maintenance? I will try again tomorrow.' After checking the next day I have come to the conclusion that this site took down the novel because after trying to navigate the sites novel selection I couldn't find it again.

I will admit that I have no idea how or where to begin to search for Raws of light novels and I got extremely lucky when I was reading a forum post that had a link saying they found this novels full Raw chapters. So I had dived back into that forum hoping that I could dig up another link to another site that had the Raws but I have turned up empty over these last two days. So I am sorry to say that this novel is on hiatus until I can find, or someone else finds, another site with the Raw chapters I can MTL and translate. That being said I could copy over from the already MTL sites that have the "majority" of these chapters but I feel it isn't right to leave those missing chapters out since it will only confuse you guys as to what is going on and maybe tern you off from this great novel.

I apologizes once again and if one of you guys are good at searching/sifting/finding Raw novels and you come across this one, it is the same title, I would appreciate it you could message/leave a comment to me with the link so I could continue translating this story for you guys. I will continue my own search but like I said I have no idea even how to look for Raw novel sites.