5Years later


"Hey Chloe" my friend Beth greets me as she makes her way towards the lockers.

I finish keeping my things and take the ones which I need and close my locker.

"Today is our last exam, what are you planning to do later" she asks me excitedly.

"Nothing special, Aunt Joey said that Jace might come down for dinner today" I murmur.

I am scared of him, iam scared of males in general. After that day, I couldn't even look at uncle Mike who is a sweet man, with out trembling.

Jace is entirely a different story. After my parents death, Aunt Joey and uncle Mike welcomed me with open arms. Aunt Joey became my rock.

They have taken appointments with so many psychologists to make my fear go away. But so far nothing worked.

They admitted me in an all girls school to help me adjust to the situation.

My uncle tried so many times to make me feel comfortable but nothing worked. Usually he makes himself scares when I am home. He tries not to make me uncomfortable.

I feel bad because, it's their house, but still they are all walking on egg shells because of me.

Jace is entirely a different story.

He talks less and works more. My aunt and uncle were never rich. But Jace worked hard and developed a game which he sold for a million when he was in college.

He invested that money and started his own gaming company which worth more than a few billions and is one of the Fortune 500 companies.

His company is the leading game development company in the world.

It's been 4 years since he started his company. Since then there was no turning back for him. He bought a new home for Uncle and Aunt.

My wardrobe has each and every brand of top end clothes in it. He takes care of my expenses like school and next college.

Which is in the city away from this small town. He already bought me an appartment there. He enrolled me in a college and apparently Beth will by house mate and classmate in college as well.

I don't know what he did, but her parents were very happy to send her to the same University as me, which makes her so happy and which also makes me happy.

I am scared of one thing. The college which Jace enrolled me in is not a girl's College. It is a co ed, there will be males. That though alone breaks sweat on my body.

My aunt tried to tell him not to push me, but he just said.

" You tried with every shrink you could find to make her better. The thing you guys are not realising is that, she is not a patient. Stop treating her like that. She is scared, she has to face her fears head on, Or else the wolves out there will eat her alive" he stormed off after that.

He is right, I have to face my fears. My father would have laughed at me if he sees me now.

Memories of my parents makes my heart ache.

"Jace Black is coming! " Beth exclaim excitedly.

Jace is handsome with 6.2 height and mysterious grey eyes. When he looks at you, it feels like he is looking in to your soul.

His straight nose and high cheek bones. He has a dimple on his right cheek, which is barely seen because he never laughs.

He was a naughty kid as a teenager. He is intimidating as a businessman.

"Yes" I confirm, and we start making our way to give our exam.

I tensed to say the least. He is the only male who doesn't treat me with kid gloves. At times it feels refreshing, but at times it scares me.

3 years ago, he caught me when I was about to fall off from the stairs. For a moment I forgot to fear him and was relieved that I didn't fell flat on my ass or worst hit my head.

Jace is sharp and he misses nothing. He didn't miss the fact that I forgot to be afraid. Since then he always touches me when ever he comes home.

Innocent touches like a hand shake or lead me towards somewhere or touch my hand while I hand him a glass of water etc..

He still looks at me like a little girl. Mostly he will be busy with his laptop. But when ever he looks straight in to my eyes, I freeze and even my fear freezes out of fear.

He never does anything inappropriate or talk nonsense. A man of few words. Today is my 19th birthday. He never misses my birthday. He takes time out of his busy schedule.

He will be 25 in a couple of months.

We reach the exam hall and take our seats. The question paper seems to be fairly easy.

We finish our exam and head outside towards our locker.

"The paper was so tough" Beth groans from beside me.

"It was easy" I confess with a confused expression.

"Of course it is easy for you. You are miss perfect. And you have your Jace to help with the subject" she gasp with fake hurt.

I smile at her antiques.

Yes Jace again, he is my sometimes tutor too.

When I was in my junior year of high school, I failed in math. Our principal called for my Guardian. Jace being a control freak gave his contact details instead of my Aunt and uncles.

Jace came to my school that day which is when Beth saw him for the first time and became his number one fan.

Our principal who is in her 30's started scolding me in front of him which bought tears in to my eyes. He became angry on her instead of on me. He banged on the table with so much force that I jumped a little in fear.

"If you ever behave with her like that again, you will have to look for another job" he narrowed his eyes on her.

She immediately jumped from her chair and came around her table and stood in front of him.

"I am so sorry Mr. Black, it will never happen again" she apologized nervously.

"She is a very good kid. Always behaves in every class and never gets in to trouble. If she failed in a subject, then that's your failure, not hers" with that he got up from the chair and held my hand and lead me towards his car.

"I will tutor you in math on Sundays" he announced and just like that every Sunday is my math day.

Apart from being intimidating he is a very good teacher. My grades improved since then and my GPA was never below 4. All thanks to his tutorial.