To blue sky not from blue sky.

" Ah doctor ahh...What's your name?"

" My name is Dustin Wilton, and am not a doctor yet, am still an intern. Sam... it's me Dustie." He said with love in his eyes.

" I will tell you right now that your joke is in bad taste...and you are too​ close, I can hear you breathing on my face."

" Am sorry Sam... it's me Dustie."

" This man is crazy, are you sure it's that same doctor?" Samantha asked Lisa.

" If he has a twin brother then it's not him, if he doesn't then he went and lost a screw and came back here... His a crazy one."

" Am not crazy... Sam, it's me Dustie." Dr Nigel started to cry.

" Oh my saints, such handsome face gone to waste, where is your guardian?" Lisa asked him.

" Am not crazy, Dr Nigel pleaded holding Samantha's hand crying, I swear am not crazy, it's me Dustie." his face was a painting of sorrow. He looked like a socially inept person, dorkie even.

" Yes, yes, you are not crazy and you really are Dustie." She said having noticed something amiss in the man's behaviour. He wasn't the man she had talked to that day, his voice maybe but the cold aura and the canning demeanour that left her agog was gone, this one was just timid and pitiful.

Dr Nigel smile at Samantha.

"Thank​ you Sam."

" Now, can Dustie tell me what he is doing here this late?"

" To see Sam again."

" Ooh, Dustie knows Sam?"

" Dr Nigel timidly nodded."

Samantha hadn't noticed that, she and Dr Nigel had been holding hands the whole time.

She embarrassedly​ removed her hands from Dr Nigel's tight grip.

He didn't object.

"Can you please make him a cup of tea? his hands are cold.

Lisa nodded and went to the kitchen.

She navigated her way through the L shaped couch and sat down.

" You can take a sit."

"Whats wrong with your eyes?" he asked with worry.

Samantha could sense concern in his voice and she cheerfully answered.

" Well am not yet legally blind, but I'll probably be deemed one in a few weeks time. I have a visual acuity of 20/200. In short I see large objects and people but they are out of focus..."

" I know Sam, you see colours and perhaps see in focus at a certain distance...Am an Aphthalmology student."

" Oh, Yeah, that's not bad." Samantha told him.

Then it was drawn to her, a realisation that like him Dustin was studying that shitty thing that she failed to pronounce all the time, and he laughed all the time she tried to.

" Did you go to school at the Northwest University Feinberg school of medicine too?" Samantha asked eagerly.

" I still go there Sam.I haven't graduated yet...I still have three years of studying."He said with a smile.

" Dustie had a best friend, his name was definitely not Nigel." Samantha thought.

" I remember Dustin saying something in the lines of Legion, Legy maybe...Legin, yes Legin." Samantha's​ eyes lit up.

" Do you know Legin also."

" Yes, That old meanie...I know him."

" Where can I find him?"

" Why do you want to find him? don't you like me?"

" Ah it's not that."Samantha was lost for words. "I just want him to help me find someone. That all."

" Oh yeah, but I don't think he will be of help but you should know his name is not really Legin, his name is Nigel Miller but Legin if spelt backwards..."

Samantha was dumbfounded...

" This is starting to scare me"

" Is this a joke?" he asked Dr Nigel.

" He, himself is Dr Nigel Miller, but he is speaking of himself in a third person."

" Am not good at jokes and sometimes don't understand them, it's not a joke's me Dustie."

" How did you come here?" Samantha asked worriedly.

" I drove here from Blue sky."he answered with a smile.

"No, you didn't... this is Blue sky. You drove to Blue sky not from Blue Sky."

" How old are you?" Samantha asked out of curiosity.

" Am 23 years old."

Samantha heart froze.

That's how old Dustin was when he disappeared. She felt a sense of loss and indignation. It's been eight years and she still hasn't gotten over Dustin's disappeared.

It was the fact that she missed seeing him at home that prompted her to join the army. To run away from the gap that his disappearance had created in her life. Fill it up with a new surrounding. It worked for a while but the battlefield is no therapy. It drove her even more crazy.

" Here is your tea."Lisa said giving a cup to Samantha and gave another to Dr Nigel.

Lisa looked at the wall clock and the time was a little over 9.p.m.

" Are you not going to leave so that miss Samantha can rest?"

" Lisa..."Samantha exclaimed.

" It's late miss Sam."Am your guaidian, am just saying it like it is.

Disappointment speared, Dr Nigel lifted his droopy eyes and pasted a smile.

" I understand" he said standing up.

"Thank you for the tea miss Lisa."