Why is everything always unintentional with you?

It was three weeks later when they called her back in with the Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia diagnosis.

She had expected a cancer but hearing it from the doctors, it made everything real.

Since the time she left the hospital three weeks ago, Thanos, had been there for her, they had become close. He'd even moved to her room to sleep on the sofa with the pretext of being a doctor and it will be easy if she got sick in the night.

Samantha on the other side liked having Thanos around, he was funny and that draw her away from her problems.

When the doctor examined her pregnancy, the ultrasound revealed a single living fetus, seven weeks old fetus with a corresponding weight and a normal amniotic fluid.

Since it was Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, it meant the leukemia can progress quickly, if not treated, would probably be fetal within a few months.

" Your pregnancy is not that far along...and it will be extremely affected by the chemotherapy and the other medicine, So ..."

" I know what you are hinting at, but no, No, thank you."

" Sam." Thanos held her hands.

" Are you also saying I should have an abortion?"She said clenching his t - shirt to a wrinkly mess.

" That's not what the doctor is saying Sam."

" What is he saying then"

Thanos looked at the doctor, so that he can continue explaining.

" We can wait until the baby is atleast 30 weeks, to deliver it via caesarean section...We can start your chemotherapy with small doses..."

" No..." Samantha stopped him midsentence.

" I'll start my chemotherapy when i deliver my child."

" Mrs Miller, it's acute, the progress is different from..."

" I don't care."

" Sam, nothing will happen to the baby, do you want to die? "

" I don't care, am not taking chances."

The doctor looked at Thanos but he too knew, there was no convincing Samantha. She had made up her mind.

" I can't force treatment on you, but as your doctor, it is my duty to advise you on the right approach and attitude..."

" Thank you... but, I want to go home now."

She yanked Thanos' t - shirt and he took the hint.

" Thank you very much, Dr Lang, I'll make sure she comes for regular check ups."

Dr Lang nodded and left the room.


When they got back home, Lisa had prepared a shrimp and broccoli stir- fry.

Samantha was in no mood to eat. She asked Thanos to help her back to her room.

She removed her snickers and got on the bed not saying anything.

She was trying so hard not to cry but the veins in her neck and forehead where giving her away.

" If you want to cry, it's ok Sam."

He went and hugged her from behind and no sooner had he done that than Samantha broke down.

Thanos couldnt help but cry also, he hated seeing Samantha in pain.

" It's all Dustie's fault, she said at last, if he hadn't disappeared, I wouldn't have gone to the Army, and then Mom wouldn't have blinded me, and I would have known who my child's father is...And leukemia? Really? that's all I inherited from my irresponsible biological parents, bad genes?

" Hushhh Sam, you will get sick."

" Am already a sick person Thanos...Will you stay here and never leave me like Dustie did?"

" No, I will never do that...I will always be here for you Sam.

She tightly hugged him while he patted her back. She was sweating from the anger and the crying but she dozed off and slept in no time.

When she did, he quietly covered her and slept with her in his arms but one thing lingered on his mind.

" It was all Dustie's fault." Samantha had said that. Did that mean she hated Dustin?"he felt conflicted. He was heartbroken that she felt that way.

" It's not like that Samantha, the person you need to hate is Nigel and his father Lean Miller, they are the ones to blame.

" I will take everything, you want to protect Lean Miller, you will wish your son dead."

" What are planning on doing Thanos, it's not worth it." he heard a voice.

" No you are not worth shit, if you hadn't gotten Sam pregnant, she wouldn't have given up on herself​ to save your son."

" Am sorry, it wasn't intentional."

" Why is everything always unintentional. with you?"

"It's my fault."the voice said fearfully.

" I know, if anything happens to Sam, i will be the one to burn you all this time."

" You do what you have to do, I'll do what i have to, to protect those around me."

The following morning, it was Samantha, who woke up first. She was still in Thanos' arms, she felt good having him​ around. It hadn't even been long since, he had been staying here with her but she felt like ,she'd know him for years. He gave her a familiar aura.

When she felt him waking up, she pretended to still be asleep.

Thanos opened his eyes and looked at Samantha for a while before a shaky hand caressed her face.

" She opened her eyes and the hand was quickly removed from her face.

She smiled, what are you scared of?you do that every morning, what scared you?"

There was no response.

" Hey, come on its not funny." She was getting confused, why was he not saying anything. She tried to raise her head when she felt his lips brush her's for a second. Her heart took a quick tumble. His hands came up to frame her face and kissed the tip of her nose and then her mouth. She wimpered, his eyes flashed and his fingers tightened against her small back.

" No, I can't."He told himself and moved inches away from her face...Still breathing heavily, he called out.

" Samantha, am sorry."

Samantha pushed him away

" You are not Thanos are you?"

He was surprised that she could tell the difference.

" Am..."

" You are doctor Nigel right?"