The imprisoned Beast

After getting down for more than one hour, he estimated that he is more than 1500 meters deep and Sam found a rocky terrain on the sea bed.

He moved towards it and the place filled with rotten carcasses, some of them are of water bound creatures and some of them are of humans, there are a lot of carcasses.

Even the bones are corroded so much due to the toxins.

Sam went deeper and deeper into the rocky terrain and he only stopped when he found something weird.

There was a large area with some concentrated energy and when he used his observation, he wasn't able to understand what it realty is.

But when he moved towards it, he was able to sense that energy is distributed in that particular area and it is making all the water repel from it.

The pressure on him increased when he moved towards it and he has to increase the thrust so much to go against it.