Metal Mines

The Metal mines are quite close to the Southwestern star and it is quite risky for Sam to make any flashy moves.

If it was like previous mines in the southern star, it is still alright because all his methods are discreet and complicated.

But now that he needs to teach the emperor a lesson for painting him as a terrorist. Sam has to do something flashy. He has to create terror in the citizens, workers, and officials.

The best way to do that would be killing people left and right, but Sam doesn't like that much, so he is going to choose the second-best option.

He will do the damage in a fearful way. He doesn't need to kill the people directly, but it is necessary to make sure that they know that he can kill them.

And the fear of an unknown person holding their life in their hands and a motive behind him to act. This is something hard to overcome.

Sam moved towards the Metal mines at his full speed.