Frenzied Sam- II

Both the teams slowly started getting on the stage. They don't have enough authority to even request the temple heads to stop this battle.

They have to. The thunder god temple candidates are a bit nervous, while the beast faction people are a bit more confident.

Because some of the Beast Faction candidates will have beast companions to fight along with him.

The beasts are not restricted from the rules and that is why every year the beast faction people have an edge over the rest of the candidates.

But Sam didn't seem to care. He is just looking at the candidates who are slowly coming onto the stage.

For some reason, ll of them are kind of freaked out by his aura. They know that something is different, but they couldn't put a finger on it.

After all of the got on. The thunder god temple candidates are standing on one side, while the Beast faction candidates are standing on another side. Sam is standing in the middle.