
The battle between the four Consummate realm cultivators became extremely intense.

Particularly, the one with Arc and the Sect head.

Sect head is already injured from fighting the association heads and he even had to use his secret technique, which is extremely taxing to his body and causes some internal injuries.

But before he could get a chance to recover, he has to come here and Arc's sneak attack didn't help him.

If not for the fact that Arc showed so much power on the palm strike, both the Consummate realm cultivators wouldn't have just focused on him and gave up the surroundings.

Even if they did notice, they might have not cared, after all a transcendent level attack is not enough to graze them much less injure them. But they completely forgot about their mounts and they paid a price.

The Sect head is having the hardest time of his life as he was completely being overwhelmed by Arc.