Two Months

Sam didn't wake up for the whole night.

He just slept like that and only woke up the noon next day.

As soon as he woke up, he could hear the loud thuds and crashes. The war is still going on. The attacks became relentless. Sam stretched his body. He is still feeling a slight headache as he walked out slowly. He didn't take harbinger and just walked to the nearby wall.

Just after he crossed the street, all the surrounding people scrammed away. Sam looked around to see all his beasts coming towards him.

He was worried about them. He thought they might have gone on a rampage because of his condition, but they didn't which is to his relief.

They wouldn't care about the rules of the war and will attack everyone that is on their way to take revenge.

Sam sat on Dia as they moved. Rest of the beasts shapeshifted into smaller forms. After that, they met with Watt and the rest of the teammates to make sense of the situation.