Bubbles and Pods

Sam hid inside the reef for quite a while and soon he saw the Sea Folk search parties coming towards the reeves. He is finally relieved.

When the search parties looked at the poison cloud that was formed around the reef and also the parts of their watcher beasts, they thought that is guy is there.

They seem to have recognized the scent of blood too and Sam who is watching them with his eye technique at maximum saw some excitement in their eyes.

The team that came first surrounded the reef and they started communicating on what to do.

They are not speaking and there are barely any gestures or signs in their communication method, so Sam couldn't understand fully.

But they are about to take action, he understood that much.

Sam waited for this chance.

One of the team members of the Sea folk extended his hand and a large water spear was conjured from the surrounding water and shot towards the reef.