
"Sir, you are our valuable customer. And we don't want to lose you. Please adjust for this one day."

The manager looked at Sam and said with a faint smile.

Sam looked at him coldly.

He took a deep breath and asked.

"Did I pay you for the whole month or not?"

"Yes, you did."

"Did I reserve her service in particular for the whole month or not?"

"Yes, you did."

"Then why am I not being provided by her service. The very reason I paid early is because, she might be stuck in somebody else's service when I come here. Why do you think I paid for her earlier?"

"I understand sir. But she is not available."

The manager just kept on that smiling face and looked at Sam. There is a sense of gloating in his eyes that could be clearly seen.

No matter what Sam said, it is like punching cotton. He couldn't land a proper blow with words.