
Sam stayed over four hours inside the forest. It is such a large patch and when he made it out, it is already deep into the afternoon. In a few hours the sun would set and he can looked at the mountain directly from this point.

He kept track of Gran who is actually quite skilled in sneaking around the forest. Even though, Sam left all these extra undead creatures, he was unable to feel that he is going to win. It is as if he was given the lead intentionally and he couldn't shake that feeling off at all.

After a few dozen meters of the forest, Sam saw the next obstacle. It is a large valley. It is so wide and deep that he is sure that he wouldn't be able to leap to the other side in a single jump and even his tricks might not be able to cross it.

In fact, even the spatial blink wouldn't be possible. It is almost two to three hundred meters wide. It is as if planet was seperated into two.