Hel's statue

Jwala went through the whole tour with one surprise after another. She didn't expect that a person who is employing a few thousand people can be adored and loved by this many while simultaneously respecting them to no end.

From a normal waiter in a restaurant to a researcher in the school. All of them are extremely respectful towards Sam. Particularly, the students of the school. There are members of all age groups, all kinds of races, and both genders.

Everyone was given an equal opportunity at what they want to do.

And the students almost treated Sam like a god. The only complaint they had is that Sam is not staying in the realm more often.

He was always roaming around.

After the tour was over, she and Saber Monarch were escorted by the Saber Monarch to the place where Sam currently is. He is currently getting a massage from the elven lady he brought from the Charbhum realm.

When Sam saw them coming, he said.