
Sam kept on drinking and whenever a fainted person woke up, they huddled together with the lesser head.

The elder that woke up after some time, tried to attack Sam again and in the process lost eight of his teeth and his mace was broken.  The spiked head was separated from the rest of the handle.

The Lesser head who called for reinforcements hopefully and anxiously looked at the sky, but meanwhile, the people gathered and everyone watched it in anticipation.

This made Sam feel a bit confused. So, he called one of the citizens and asked.

"I thought you guys would be feeling angry at me, but it doesn't seem like it. All of you guys seemed to be enjoying the show. What is going on?"

The citizen looked at the lesser head who is also staring back at him.

"I am sorry Sir. You are an outsider, you wouldn't stay here for long, but I need to stay here for my whole life. I hope you understand."

Sam looked at him closely and said.