Night Ghost Vs Family Head

Merene family head felt a bit dazed and lost as he looked at his hand. It is not reacting as fast as it should it is almost as if there is a time-lapse between the command from his brain to the actual motion.

This made him miss the timing of the attack and Night Ghost easily managed to dodge.

He leaped to the side and gave a kick to the right shoulder with all his strength, at least it looked like it, but there are no effects on the family head and the Night Ghost to the recoil and rolled to the side.

The family head came back to his sense by now and he tried to move his hand around, but there is almost a second delay in the reaction time, he couldn't help but feel frustrated. He doesn't know what is happening, but he knew it has something to do with the attacks of the Night Ghost that don't seem to harm him at all.

It seems like their purpose is not to harm them anyway.