
The first thing Sam did after finishing the Phase three organizations is to try and find where the rest of the players are.

It took a whole week to do that and he went to meet Arkiv.

"You came to me on your own initiative? Is something wrong?" This Arkiv's greeting as soon as they met.

"I am done with the Third Phase organizations of my share. How much longer would it take for you to do it?"

Arkiv was stunned and hurriedly opened the list on the wrist screen.

He went through the list rapidly and cursed loudly.

"Fuck. Just when I thought, you slowed down. What is wrong with you, man?"

Sam didn't mind this outburst and just smiled. 

"Don't overreact alright. I need to talk to you about this."

"Okay, tell me."

"I asked, how long would it take for you and the rest of the players to finish all this?"

Arkiv roughly calculated a bit and said.

"Maybe a year and a half or it might even take two years."