
Days passed quickly.

Disciple One, couldn't find Sam no matter where he looked and by the end of eighth day, the only place that was left is the Inn Sam was staying at.

Neither Disciple One, Nor the Red Glove Mercenary group has any strength or authority in the inn, so they didn't poke their noses into it early on and Disciple One was also convinced, that Sam wouldn't be just hiding. He is sure that Sam would come early to prepare and hiding inside an Inn with complete protection is not something he would do.

But after there was no place left to search anymore, he couldn't help but wonder if he is really there.

As if confirming his guesses immediately, Sam peeked out of the window as he looked at the passerby while drinking the wine, he spent the eighth day doing just that and the members of the Red Glove Mercenary saw him. It was too hard for them to miss.