
Vardar looked at the communication token coldly. He is extremely angry at the moment. This is the greatest insult he has ever received at least out in the open.

He coldly looked around to find an elder and after he did that, he gestured him to come near him.

"Lead me to Giyon's residence."

"Sir Vardar…"

"I am not asking if you are willing to or not. I am telling you to lead me there right now. I would like to see what your Gaja Clan's hospitality is first hand. How dare one of you to keep my disciple hostage? Lead me there now or I would account this transgression to the whole clan, which means this would be the end of our cooperation for once and for all."

The elder gulped and decided to just lead him there and wash this matter off of his hands.

But as they reached that spot, the clan leader also coincidentally came at the same time. When he looked at Vardar's figure, he couldn't help but hold his forehead in frustration.