
Giyon stood at the entrance of the city along with her subordinates and looked at the massive crystal dome she could see from there.

The large dome covered the entire neighborhood of Grivon's residence.

Nobody from outside could see what is inside the dome, all Giyon and her subordinates could see is the presence of the hive-like structure with the hexagonal prisms of the dome too.

Between the large dome and the hexagonal prism that covered the residence, there is space that formed the large ring and within that ring, Sivan took up a spot as he used a small projected formation to control the large formation that created this structure.

He is examining everything and there are a bunch of formation masters that are trying to explain and operate the areas in which Sivan doesn't know anything of.

At that moment, one of his subordinates came to him and reported.

"Young master, someone powerful seemed to have entered the city.