Vs Sivan

"If you are trying to speak Grivon, I am really sorry. Because it is impossible for me to hear you. But I can see that your subordinates are attacking the walls of that prison with extreme zeal.

But I ask you to stop that immediately. It is only going to be more detrimental to yourself and your subordinates."

As soon as he spoke, Grivon immediately commanded his subordinates to stop the attacks. They waited as they looked up to listen to his voice once again.

Sam checked the remote formation and nodded before explaining.

"The prison you are in is a very different one and it has some very peculiar features that are extremely harmful to you. So, I urge you to not attack it randomly…" He went on to explain how the formation actually works.

After that was out of the way he explained.

"Go to the extreme corner to your right and attack it there. Do not hold back, and also do not get too close to the wall."