
The kick landed straight on Sivan's forehead and he was stunned for a moment as he took a step back.

Sam just let go of the hand and fell on his back, before he rolled to the side and kicked a shadow that came at him with the void style and the ripple style dispersing it into nothing.

He stood up once again and took a boxing stance.

Sivan looked at Sam with a frown. He felt like something is odd about Sam and he couldn't put his finger on it.

He lunged forward with golden flames blazing. Sam also lunged forward as if he was going for a bunch with a thin energy barrier covering the flames for him. But just when they were about to clash, the barrier changed its form, it balled the flames and diverted it at Sivan's face. Even though it didn't cause him any harm, he was stunned for a moment and Sam took the chance to change his direction.