Red Creature

The leader looked at the first subordinate fell down.

He didn't even know what happened. There are not any notable injuries. There is no bleeding. It is like the man died on the spot without any reason.

But that is just the start. Another person died right after the first and that one is followed by the third and then the fourth.

One guard after another, they all fell down.

Only the leader was left behind, who was surrounded by a bunch of these humanoid water creatures and to his dismay, he is fighting with them in the waves.

At the spot where no matter how much, he tried to destroy them, the water creatures are using the surrounding water to make a comeback.

Before he knew the guard leader is trapped in the middle of a dozen of these creatures.

All of them made a move and he is enveloped in a large water bubble, swallowing tons of seawater as he drowned in it.