Bloodline Arts

Sivan's consciousness reached Yanwu who is chained up by the Divine dimension in the icy mountains.

[What do you want you prick?]

Yanwu crowed angrily.

"I want to know why the bloodline attacks are being defended by Sam."

[You are fighting with him already? So, I can finally be free from this cold place.]

"You tell me what I want to know, then I will let the cold go from your body right now."

[I am not going to tell you anything. I would rather die. Anyway, I don't know anything related to that to begin with. So, no point in asking me.]

"I highly doubt that. From the memories, I clearly know that you are the one who has the most knowledge about this cultivation technique. You definitely have something related to this. Your sole job for the first fifteen years of life without any cultivation is to prepare to assist Sam with the knowledge.

You tell me now."