Back to Gaja

After meeting with Arkiv, Sam spent some time with him and went back to work mode.

Even though he really liked this small break he took and felt that he deserved it, he knew he cannot continue like this for long.

This time the enemy is a bit trickier than before. This is probably the first time that he has to worry about the quality and the intellect of the enemy, instead of their raw strength.

He decided to get as much information on them as possible before deciding on his strategy.

But before that, he has to finish up things in desolate and get back to the Gaja clan. There are some promises he needed to fulfill there.

So, he assigned all the tasks to the trio and his subordinates. Even though the trio did a great job in his absence, the massive spending on the equipment created still put a strain on the finances and messed up some plans for organizational growth.