Mysterious master of the Mountain

"Their affinity is that high? What elements do they use?"

"Yes it is that high. As for elements, nobody knows any answer for that. Their attacks are mostly either physical in close combat or energy attacks like you were doing while you are in Sivan's body.

Of course, it is not exactly like yours, theirs are a bit too different. Even their movement techniques, defending techniques, in a way their control is one of a kind. I wouldn't say it is the best method I have ever seen, but it is definitely the best method for them.

They have this synergy and when all three of them are together, it is like looking at an art. They don't have a solid attacking method while they are fighting, at least not the direct attacks.

They have decent close combat expertise, but they rarely opt to it. It is just to buy themselves some time to make preparations when they are caught off guard.