Tower Formation

Sam closed his eyes as he felt the connection.

He lost himself in that connection and let it take the reign of his soul. That overwhelming power still made him feel safe and sound without any sense of danger whatsoever. While Sam is getting lost in that feeling, the rest of the players and Ling Tian witness the formation of the tower.

The black smoke formed. It surrounded a much vaster area than any of the previous towers.

The smoke turned into the silhouettes of normal humans, children, and adults. One silhouette after another appeared out of nowhere.

Two, four, eight, sixteen…. a hundred.

Not just human silhouettes. Soon silhouettes of hens and roosters, ducks, goats, pigeons, rats, wolves, foxes, bears, and crocodiles. A lot of animals that only existed back on earth appeared.

The first floor of the tower was formed. All of the silhouettes entered that. The second floor soon formed and a few hundred human silhouettes appeared.