First Floor cleared

Once the left shoulder of the police man was gone, the rest became easy.

Sam just bombarded the opponent with dozens of bullets and managed to defeat him. The police officer looked at Sam with the same anger.

For some reason, Sam felt that this anger is actually not similar to the anger of other creatures that he fought, whether they are humans or not, most of their rage is instinctual. Their anger is not sane or controlled.

It is pure resentment that they had towards Sam. But in case of this policeman, he appeared a lot more sane. A bit clearheaded. This is also a bit confusing to him.

Sam didn't know what is going on with it, but he looked forward to digging deeper and know the reason behind it.

He aimed the gun at the police man's head and spoke.

"I don't know where we came across. I certainly don't remember ever killing you. But I do hope that I know why I killed you. Your skills are impressive."