New method

Sam stood up hurriedly and stepped back to increase the distance between him and the Bear.

At first, he wanted to take care of the bear slowly to observe while conserving his energy. The Bear is clearly stronger than him, so he didn't want to use up all of his energy at the start and suddenly get caught by it because of his wrong estimations.

He would still like to do that. But he doesn't know how long he would be able to do that in his current state.

He is slightly injured. Compared to him, the bear's injury is less critical. He needs to find a way to finish the battle quickly.

The only reason, his tactic of dealing with the bear slowly might even work is because the bear was running purely on instincts. But now that the advantage is clearly taken away, there is no way, he could continue the tactic.

The only problem is that he might exhaust himself and Hel might put him at a disadvantage like she did in the previous round.